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British Railways London Midland Region
Weekly & Periodical Notices Digital Archive

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Until 1984 year sets aligned with the calendar year, January to December. In 1985 the 'year' ran from January 1985 until March 1986. From 1986 year sets aligned with the financial year, April to March.

The following are currently available ...

Central Lines

Year Notice & Extent of Cover Included
C 1950 Week 44 complete.
C 1955 Week 10 complete.
C 1959 Week 17 section C only.
SOI 1963 Supplementary Operating Instructions, November.
SOI 1967 Supplementary Operating Instructions Part 1, Central Lines (NW) November.

Cheshire Lines

Year Notice & Extent of Cover Included
1948 Fortnight 24 pages 1 - 18 only.

Midland Lines

Year Notice & Extent of Cover Included
SOI 1949 Supplementary Operating Instructions, January.
M1 1953 Week 2 complete.
M1 1954 Week 11 complete.
M1 1955 Weeks 40, 52 complete.
M1 1956 Week 45 complete.
M1 1958 Week 41 complete.
ME1 1959 Week 43 complete.
SOI 1960 Supplementary Operating Instructions, October.
ME1 1965 Week 26 complete.
ME1 1966 Weeks 5 complete.
SOI 1966 Supplementary Operating Instructions Part 1, November.
SOI 1967 Supplementary Operating Instructions Part 1, November.
ME 1975 Week 37 complete.
MED 1976 General Instructions and Notices, Weeks 14, 22 complete.
MED 1977 General Instructions and Notices, Week 23 complete.
ME 1977 Week 51 complete.
Weeks 29-38, 40-46, and 48-53 section C only.
ME 1978 Weeks 2-10, 14-31, and 33-52 section C only.
ME 1979 Weeks 1-52 section C only.
ME 1980 Section C of weeks 28 and 42 only.
ME 1980 Weeks 1-22, and 24-52 section C only.
MED 1981 Periodical Operating Notice, Week 6 complete.
ME 1981 Section C of weeks 1, 6-7, 9, 19-20, 24-25, 31, 33, 40-41, 43-45, 47-50 only.
MED 1983 Periodical Operating Notice, Weeks 23, 32 complete.
MED 1984 Periodical Operating Notice, Week 6 complete.
MED 1985-1986 Periodical Operating Notice, Week 23, 41 complete.
ME 1985-1986 Weeks 6-7, 19 and 51 complete.
Section C of weeks 2-6, 8-28, 51, 58, 64-65 only.
ME 1986-1987 Weeks 11, 13, 19, 24, 28, 32-33, 35, 42-43, 48-49 complete.
Weeks 1-10, 12, 14-18, 20-23, 25-27, 29-31, 34, 36-41, 44-47, 51-52 extracts only.
1987-1988 ME Weekly Operating Notice: weeks 1-6, 9-13, 16, 21-22, 26-27, 32-33, 43, 47-51 complete.
ME Weekly Operating Notice: weeks 34-42, 44-46, 52 extracts only.
Members' Download: ME
MED 1987-1988 Periodical Operating Notice, Weeks 28, 37, 46 complete.
MED 1988-1989 Periodical Operating Notice, all six issues complete.
ME 1988-1989 Weeks 3-5, 7, 9-10, 12-17, 32, 38, and 40-44 complete.
Weeks 1-2, 18-22, 25-31, 33-36, and 45-51 section C only.
1989-1990 ME Weekly Operating Notice: weeks 8, 20, 23-24, 28, 36 complete.
ME Weekly Operating Notice: weeks 1-7, 9-19, 21-22, 25-27, 29-35, 37-53 extracts only.
Members' Download: ME
MED 1989-1990 Periodical Operating Notice, Weeks 2 and 11 complete.
MED 1990-1991 Periodical Operating Notice, Weeks 2, 10, 19 complete.
ME 1990-1991 Section C of weeks 3-8 only.
ME 1990-1991 Weeks 9-15 complete.

North Western Section

Year Notice & Extent of Cover Included
NE1 1962 Week 29 only, front cover/page2 missing.
NE1 1964 Weeks 28-29, 39-41, 44 complete.
NE1 1965 Week 43 complete.
Week 6 extracts only.
NE2 1965 Week 19 complete.
NE1 1966 Week 14 complete.
NE 1966 General Instructions and Notices Week 21 complete.
NE1 1967 Weeks 9, 31 and 33 complete.
NE2 1967 Week 9 complete.
NE1 1968 Weeks 2, 38 complete.
NE2 1968 Week 2 complete.
NE 1970 Weeks 5, 7,16, 20, 24-25 sections C and D only.
NE 1974 Weeks 30-31, 33 complete.
Weeks 30, 38, and 51-52 section C only.
Week 4 section C and D only.
NE 1975 Weeks 34-35, 37, 39, 41-42, 44, 46-50 complete.
Weeks 1, 9-10, 17, 20-22, 24, 26-28, 30, 43-45 section C only.
NED 1975 General Instructions and Notices Week 14 complete.
NED 1977 General Instructions and Notices Week 23 complete.
NED 1978 General Instructions and Notices Week 40 complete.
NE 1980 Weeks 23, 28, 50 section C only.
NED 1980 Periodical Operating Notice Week 40 complete.
NED 1982 Periodical Operating Notice Week 32 complete.
NE 1982 Weeks 22-23, 28-29, 33, 35-36, 43-44, and 48 section C only.
NED 1983 Periodical Operating Notice Week 49 complete.
NE 1983 Weeks 3, 13, 22-23, and 46-47 section C only.
NE 1984 Weeks 25-26, 31-32, 34-36, 38, 41-43, 45, and 50 complete.
Weeks 22-23 pages 65-66 missing.
Week 24 section D missing.
Week 27 pages 47-48 missing and 51-52 part missing.
Week 28 pages 49-54 missing.
Week 29 pages 43-54 and 57-60 missing.
Week 30 pages 45-52 and 55-56 missing.
Week 33 pages 50-51 missing.
Week 37 pages 43-44 missing.
Week 39 pages 41-42 missing.
Week 40 pages 45-47 missing.
Week 44 pages 57-58 missing.
Week 46 pages 73-74 missing.
Week 47 pages 77-78 missing.
Week 48 pages 63-64 missing.
Week 49 pages 49-50 missing.
Week 51 pages 47-52 and 55-56 missing.
Week 52-01 section C only.
NE 1986-1987 Weeks 6-7, 13-14, 16-17, 20-23, 25-29, 37 complete.
Weeks largely complete but some pages missing: 1-2 (pp81-82 missing), 3 (pp45-50 missing), 4 (pp47-50 missing), 5 (pp47-48 missing), 8 (pp57-59 missing), 9-10 (pp61-62 missing), 11 (pp52-53 missing), 12 (pp49-51 missing), 15 (pp51-52 missing), 18 (pp49-50 missing), 19 (pp49-50 missing), 24 (pp41-42 missing), and 39-40 (pp35-36 missing).
Weeks 43-52, section C only.
NE-NWE 1987-1988 NE changed to NWE from week 43.
Weeks 2-5, 15-17, 28-29, 31 complete.
Weeks 1, 6-14, 18-27, 30, 32-53 extractes only.
NED 1987-1988 Periodical Operating Notice weeks 28, 37 complete.
NWE 1989-1990 Week 26 complete.
NWE 1990-1991 Week 17 complete.

series continues with Railtrack North West Zone

Western Lines

Year Notice & Extent of Cover Included
W1 1952 Week 41 complete.
W1 1953 Week 06 complete.
W2 1955 Week 31 complete.
W2 1956 Weeks 23, 30-33, 35, 41, and 50 complete.
W1 1956 Weeks 10, 29, and 46 complete.
W2 1957 Week 8 complete.
WE1 1959 Week 39 complete.
WE1 1962 Weeks 16-17, 25 complete.
WE2 1962 Weeks 16-17, 22 complete.
Weeks 3, 19 sections C and D only.
Week 27 pages 7 to 78 only.
WE2 1963 Week 1 only complete.
Week 18 sections C and D only.
WE1 1964 Week 35 pages 3-4 missing.
WE 1966 General Instructions and Notices, week 21 complete.
WE2 1967 Week 8 complete.
WE2 1969 Week 1 complete.
Week 2 sections C and D only.
WE2 1970 Weeks 10 and 16 complete.
WED 1971 General Instructions and Notices, week 47 complete.
WED1 1972 General Instructions and Notices, week 47 complete.
WE2 1973 Week 5 (pages 4-5 missing).
Weeks 6, 14-15, 18-19 complete.
WE2 1974 Weeks 51-52 complete.
WE1 1974 Weeks 38, 48, 51-52 section C only.
WE1 1975 Weeks 15, 17, 21-22, 27-28, 43-45 section C only.
WE2 1975 Weeks 1-2, 9-11, 16 complete.
Week 16 (pages 20-21, 36-37 missing), 28 (pages 28-29 missing).
WED2 1976 General Instructions and Notices Week 34 complete.
WE1 1976 Week 13 complete.
Weeks 13, 28, 51-52 section C only.
WED1 1976 General Instructions and Notices, week 22 complete.
WED1 1977 General Instructions and Notices, week 23 complete.
WE2 1977 Weeks 10, 12, 14-17 complete.
Week 16 (pages 20-21, 36-37 missing), 28 (pages 28-29 missing).
WE1 1978 Weeks 12-13 complete and 17 (pages 73 - end missing).
WED1 1980 Periodical Operating Notice, week 40 complete.
Periodical Notice Week 23 with pages 7-8 and part pages 11-12 missing.
WED1 1981 Periodical Operating Notice, weeks 6, 14, 49 complete.
WE2 1981 Weeks 32, 35-36, 40 complete.
WE2 1982 Weeks 17-18 complete.
WED1 1982 Periodical Operating Notice, week 49 complete.
WE1 1982 Week 42 complete.
Week 9 pages 23-26 missing.
Weeks 9, 14, 34, 42, 46 and 48 section C only.
WE1 1983 Weeks 3 and 22-23 complete.
Week 9 pages 23-26 missing.
WE1 1983 Weeks 3, 6 and 9 section C only.
Week 9 pages 23-26 missing.
WED1 1983 Periodical Operating Notice, weeks 14, 32, 40, 49 complete.
WED2 1983 Periodical Operating Notice weeks 40 and 49 complete.
Week 49 wrongly stated on front cover to be a weekly notice.
WED1 1984 Periodical Operating Notice, weeks 6, 41 complete.
Week 23 pages 5-6, 155-156 & 191-192 missing.
Week 32 pages 3-4 missing.
1985-1986 WED1 Periodical Operating Notice: weeks 15, 23 complete.
WED2 Periodical Operating Notice: week 23 complete.
Members' Download: WED1 WED2
WE2 1985 Weeks 3, 22-23 complete.
Weeks 6-9, 11-21, 24-26, 29, 31-32, 34-35, 37, 40, 44, 46, 48-52, 62-64 extracts only.
WED1 1987-1988 Periodical Operating Notice, weeks 28, 37, 46 complete.
WED2 1987-1988 WED2: Periodical Operating Notice weeks 28 and 37.
NWED 1987-1988 NWED: Periodical Operating Notice week 46.
WE1 1988-1989 Weeks 44-47 complete. Weeks 26, 28, 33 and 48 section C only.
WED1 1988-1989 Periodical Operating Notice, weeks 1, 10, 20, 28, 37, 46 complete.
NWED 1988-1989 Periodical Operating Notice all six issues complete.
WED1 1989-1990 Periodical Operating Notice, weeks 2, 11, 20, 29, 37 complete.
WE1 1989-1990 Week 18 sections A and B of only. Weeks 43-45 section C only.
NWED 1989-1990 Periodical Operating Notice weeks 2, 11 and 46 complete.
Week 20 pages 7-8, 11-18 missing.
Week 28 pages 9-10, 17-18, 21-34 missing.
WE1 1990-1991 Weeks 2 and 18 section C only.
WED1 1990-1991 Periodical Operating Notice, weeks 2, 10, 19 complete.
CSD 1991-1992 Periodical Operating Notice, all six issues complete.
CSD 1992-1993 Periodical Operating Notice, weeks 2, 19, 28, 37 complete.
CNE 1990-1991 Section C of weeks 20, 22-24 only.
CNE 1990-1991 Weeks 39-40 complete.
NWED 1990-1991 Periodical Operating Notice weeks 2, 10, 19 complete.
CND 1990-1991 Periodical Operating Notice weeks 36 and 45 complete.
Week 28 pages 7-8 partially missing, 17-26 completely missing.
CNE 1991-1992 Section C of weeks 12-19, 24-26, 28-29, 32-35, 37-39, 42-44, 46-47, 51 only.
CNE 1991-1992 Weeks 22-23 and 27 complete.
CND 1991-1992 Periodical Operating Notice all six issues complete.
CNE 1992-1993 Section C of weeks 1, 3-5, 8-10, 12, 23-24, 31, 38, 48, 50-52 only.
CNE 1992-1993 Weeks 16, 18, 21-22, 31, 33-34, 43-44, 46, and 51-52 complete.
CND 1992-1993 Periodical Operating Notice all six issues complete.
1993-1994 CND Periodical Operating Notice: all six issues complete.
CSD Periodical Operating Notice: all six issues complete.
CNE Weekly Operating Notice: weeks 1, 33-4, 7-8, 12-13, 15-18, 26-28, 30-32, 35-38, 41-46, 51-53 complete.
CNE Weekly Operating Notice: weeks 2, 5-6, 9-11, 14, 19-25, 29, 33-34, 39-40, 47-50 extracts only.
Members' Download: CND CSD CNE

series continues with Railtrack Midland Zone