George Pryer (SR & WR) Signal Box Diagrams
George was a founder member of the Society with a particular interest in drawing signal box diagrams. Many of the diagrams in this series of books were drawn following visits to the signal boxes themselves.
George’s series of Signal Box Diagrams of the Great Western & Southern Railways stretched to 27 volumes before his untimely demise. They cover the south and west of England territory of both the Great Western Railway and the London & South Western Railway starting near his home. The Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway and the Midland & South Western Junction Railway lines also received George’s attention. Having worked his way west, George returned east to encompass parts of the London Brighton & South Coast Railway as well.
The 27th was intended as the first of a fresh series and covers the Midland Railway signal boxes in the Bristol area.
A comprehensive index to the entire 27 volume series is available here.
The Society is grateful to Mrs Zena Pryer for allowing us to reprint George’s valuable contributions to our knowledge and records.