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Industrial & Private Lines: East Lothian

Signal Fact 39

In 1899 the London & North Western Railway commissioned the first 'all electric' signalling installation at Gresty Lane, Crewe.

The semaphore signals were power operated, as were the points and detection.

This page should be regarded as “Work in Progress”. The webmaster will welcome additional information for this page.

County pages contain details of Industrial and other Private lines that do not form part of any of the principally listed companies on this web site. RailRefs generally remain un-numbered in the county lists.

In the list below the information is set out in tabular form, spread over four columns. The column entries are -

RailRef The Line Code used in RailRef system.
Line Detail The principal locations included within the Line Code. They are arranged in 'down' direction order. Locations shown are primarily stations and junctions to allow easy cross check against published atlases. Signal box names appear in italics where these are 'intermediate' to stations or have been shown to facilitate links from other pages on this web site. The inclusion of a station or junction name does not imply that there was always a signal box of that same name!
SBR The section reference used in the relevant Signal Box Register published by the Society.
ELR The corresponding Engineer's Line Reference(s). This will be blank for railways that never came within British Railways terms of reference. It will also be blank where British Railways had no surviving responsibility for infrastructure at the time the ELR system came into use.

RailRef Line Detail SBR ELR


Westbank Mills, Dunbar
Thomas Annandale & Sons Ltd. Sold to Hunters Maltings (after a fire) - British Malt Products Co Ltd.

NT 708 768. Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers Ltd.

Lothian Maltings, Dunbar
Hunters Maltings; then British Malt Products Co Ltd.

Bankton Colliery, Tranent
NT 398 748. Edinburgh Collieries Ltd.

Fleets Colliery, Tranent
NT 404 712. R & J Durie until 1907; then Edinburgh Collieries Ltd; then NCB Area 2. Closed 1959.

Preston Links Colliery, Cockenzie
NT 394 751. John Grieve by 1854 to 1865; then Exors of John Grieve until 1868; then J C Grieve until 1903; then Forth Collieries (1903) Ltd until 1907; then Edinburgh Collieries Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area 2. Closed 1964.

Tranent Colliery
NT 401 748. James Waldie & Sons until 1907; then Edinburgh Collieries Ltd.

Ormiston Disposal Point, Ormiston
Ministry of Fuel & Power, Directorate of Opencast Coal Production.

Limeylands Colliery, Ormiston
NT 396 893. Ormiston Coal Co Ltd; to NCB Area 2 1947. Closed 1952. Coal preparation plant on site until 1958.

Bellyford Mine
Closed 1961. Seems associated with Limeylands Colliery.

Tynemount Colliery, Ormiston
NT 396 893. Ormiston Coal Co Ltd; to NCB Area 2 1947. Closed 1959. Narrow gauge only?

Prestongrange Museum (Scottish Mining Museum)
NT 374 737. The Scottish Society for the Preservation of Industrial Machinery, Prestonpans until 1992; then East Lothian Council. On Prestongrange Colliery site.

Prestongrange Colliery
NT 373 737. Sir George G Suttie by 1854 to 1871; then Summerlee & Mossend Iron & Steel Co Ltd until 1896; then Summerlee Iron Co Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area 2. Closed 1962.

Penston Colliery, Macmerry, near Tranent
NT 433 720. John Deans from 1854-1865; then Deans & Moore until 1902; then Udstone Colliery Co Ltd. Closed 1924.

Meadowmill Colliery, Inveresk (?)
NT47SW. Tranent/Smeaton area.


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