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SRS Logo    The Signalling Record Society

Trowell Junction July 1969

Brian Whitehouse visited Trowell Junction signal box on the night of 11-12 July 1969, taking with him a reel to reel tape recorder. The Signalman on duty that night was Ben Allen. Most of the night's activity was recorded starting from 2244 hours on the Friday evening and finishing about 0520 hours on the Saturday morning. Copies of the tapes have been given to the Society for inclusion in our archives and can be litened to below.


Trowell Junction is on the Midland Railway's Erewash Valley line at the point where it is joined by the Radford & Trowell line. Next signal box to the south (up direction from Trowell) at this date was Stanton Gate North and to the north (down direction from Trowell) was Ilkeston South Junction. Ilkeston was only opened 'as required' at this date and the next open signal box to the north that night was Bennerley Junction as indeed it was most of the time. Intermediate signal boxes on the Radford & Trowell line had all been abolished before 1969 and the next box in that direction was thus Radford Junction. To the south of Stanton Gate lies Toton with its large locomotive depot and hump marshalling yards. With the withdrawal of the local stopping passenger services at the start of 1967 it will be appreciated that the majority of the traffic flow was freight of one sort or another.

At this time in 1969 resignalling of the area was under way culminating in the opening and expansion in stages of Trent Power Signal Box in September - October that year. Trowell Junction signal box closed on 19th October 1969 together with most other mechanical signal boxes along the Erewash Valley. The few that survived at that time were retained as local shunting frames or crossing gate cabins.

The geographic location of Trowell Junction can be seen on a current OS Map. The map will place this location at the centre of the map panel, roll the mouse over the icon(s) to reveal what they represent. Trowell lies within the county of Nottinghamshire - but only just as the county boundary follows the River Erewash which is to the west of the Erewash Valley line at this point and about 200 yards from the signal box.

The Recordings

Three reels of tape were received by the Society and sent to Tetbury Video for copying. This produced 6 audio tracks which have been named A-1 to C-2 to match the markings on the tape boxes. The letters represent the tape and the numbers the sides as each tape had been used in both directions.

Notes of counter numbers that came with the tapes indicates that track C-2 is the start of the sequence, followed in order by A-1, A-2, B-1, B-2, and C-1 and the recordings are listed below in that sequence. The counter order is listed in detail lower down on this page.

Alan Bullimore has listed the action you will hear as you play the recordings and you can read these here while listening.

Track C-2 @ 01m00s time check 22:45
Click here for some detail of what you hear.
Track A-1 @ 11m13s time check 24:00
Click here for some detail of what you hear.
Track A-2
Click here for some detail of what you hear.
Track B-1 @ 00m17s time check 01:53
Click here for some detail of what you hear.
Track B-2 @ 03m37s time check 03:00
@ 52m38s tape change blip
@ 62m55s time check 04:00
Click here for some detail of what you hear.
Track C-1 @ 43m36s time check 04:45
@ 58m51s time check 05:00
Click here for some detail of what you hear.

There are likely to be brief gaps whilst the original tape was turned over / changed and this tends to be borne out as the time checks don't completely match up to the elapsed playing times.

Layout and Block Working

Trowell Junction signal box itself was located so that the Up and Down Passenger Lines were in front of the box and beyond them the Up and Down Goods Lines. The Second Down Goods line passed behind the signal box where there had been some sidings as well. The line from Radford approached opposite the signal box and linked directly onto both the Goods Lines and the Passenger Lines. As viewed by the signalman standing at the frame these connections were in front and to his left. Also to the signalman's left was Ilkeston Road overbridge and beyond that had been the closed Trowell station.

The layout had been much simplified when the junction was relaid in 1968 and can be seen in this diagram drawn by SRS member John Hinson and included here with his permission. It can be viewed in larger form on John's own web site.

Block sections existed at Trowell Junction to and from:

It would be a bell of a racket if all block bells rang at the same time!

Although the Second Down Goods line was still in place, Trowell Junction no longer had any signalling control over it as it was now just a siding with access controlled by Stanton Gate North.

Signal box diagrams of Trowell Junction and its neighbours as they were in the 1950s can be found in volumes 8 (Erewash Valley) and 14 (Trowell & Radford line) of the Swift Series available from this Society.

Historical Notes

In the first tape there is a mention of a log being kept of the train movements but this log did not come to us with the tapes. Alan Bullimore has kindly supplied notes of explanation which should assist in understanding what is heard. However, you will need to have a copy of the 1960 edition of the Regulations for Train Signalling handy if you are not familiar with the bell codes. Members can download a copy from the Archive section of this web site if they haven't already got one handy.

The Second Down Goods Line ceased to exist as a running line between Stanton Gate North and Ilkeston South at some time prior to 1960 and, although the line still existed, it was classified as a Down Siding. At the time of the recording it extended from Stanton Gate North to Cadbury's Warehouse which was situated just to the north of Trowell Junction. It was serviced most weekdays by a trip from Stanton Gate, the engine drawing the wagons to Cadbury's and propelling the empties back. The usual procedure was for Stanton Gate North to advise Trowell Junction when the Trip was leaving and Trowell Junction telling Stanton Gate North when it was on its way back.

The Goods Lines were worked under the Permissive Block Regulations and occasionally trains can be heard being accepted using the Line Occupied Acceptance bell code 2 - 4 - 2. Copies of the various Block Regulations can be downloaded by Society members from this web site - follow the navigation link Archives > Regulations to find them.

Alan should have been on duty that night at Stanton Gate North but had been granted leave of absence to visit the Settle & Carlisle line in the company of some colleagues. He spent the weekend visiting quite a few of the boxes between Settle Junction and Low House Crossing and at one point in the recording Brian can be heard telling Ben Allen (the Signalman) that on one of his visits up there he had found the key to Mallerstang and let himself in to have look round!

Trains In the Up direction on both Main and Goods Lines whistled at Bennerley Junction and a routed Train Entering Section (TES) bell code was sent from there to Trowell Junction for Passenger trains, and Freight trains not calling at Toton, as follows:

Route To Train Entering Section Received
Trowell Branch2 - 2 - 2
Derby2 - 2 - 4
Beeston via Meadow Lane Junction2 - 2 - 5
Beeston via North Erewash Junction2 - 2 - 6
Castle Donington Branch2 - 2 - 2 - 2
Leicester (on Up Goods for freight)2 - 5 - 2

On receipt of most of these routed TES bell signals, Trowell Junction forwarded a routed Is Line Clear (ILC) to Stanton Gate North as follows:

Route To Forwarded Is Line Clear
Castle Donington BranchA.1 and A.2 Codes *
DerbyB.1 and B.2 Codes *
Beeston via Meadow Lane JunctionC.1 and C.2 Codes *
Beeston via North Erewash Junction4 - 3 - 4 (class 1)
1 - 3 (class 2)
1 - 2 (classes 3 to 9)
Castle Donington Branch2 - 2 - 2 - 2
Leicester (on Up Goods for freight)
(sent as train passed)
2 - 5 - 2

* These codes were set out on a card displayed in signal boxes that used routing codes. A copy may be viewed here.

Trains passing Trowell Junction on both Main and Goods Lines would also whistle and a routed TES was sent forward either to Radford Junction or Stanton Gate North as follows:

Route To Whistle Code Train Entering Section Code Sent
Nottingham Station 1 long 1 crow 2 - 2 - 2
Lenton North Junction Reception Road 4 long 2 - 2 - 4
Beeston via Lenton South Junction 4 long 2 - 2 - 5 (?)
Stanton Gate North Reception Lines 3 short pause 1 short 2 - 2 - 2
Stanton Gate North Goods Line (Main Line only) 5 short 2 - 2 - 4

Trains on the Main Line that didn’t whistle were for Leicester and were passed on with no routed ILC.

Traffic in the Up Direction was predominately loaded coal from the pits in South Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire. Most trains were heading for Toton New Bank (to be remarshalled) or if it was a block load it would be routed to the Old Bank. Certain block trains were timetabled into the New Sidings at Stanton Gate. During times of severe congestion trains were often recessed in Stanton Gate New Sidings and, if those sidings were full, they were pushed back onto the old 2nd down Goods Line towards Trowell Junction. This was done in order to release the engine for its back working.

Once Toton was on the move again Trip engines were sent to Stanton Gate to bring in the trains that had been recessed there. Block trains of "Merry Go Round's" signalled as a Class 5 were for Ratcliffe Power Station.

Trains in the Down direction on both Main and Goods Lines were signalled by routed ILC as follows:

Route Routed Is Line Clear Received Whistle Code here Routed Is Line Clear Sent
Kirkby / Mansfield A.1 and A.2 Codes *   A.1 and A.2 Codes *
Westhouses / Blackwell B.1 and B.2 Codes *   B.1 and B.2 Codes *
Ambergate C.1 and C.2 Codes *   C.1 and C.2 Codes *
Bennerley Sidings   4 long 2 - 2 - 4
Down Goods at Bennerley Junction   5 short 2 - 2 - 6

Trains that were signalled with no routed ILC were for the Chesterfield direction.

* These codes were set out on a card displayed in signal boxes that used routing codes. A copy may be viewed here.

Traffic in the Down Direction was predominately empty wagons returning to the pits. If no routing was used they would be heading for Avenue Sidings near Chesterfield or to Barrow Hill. Otherwise they would be routed towards Blackwell Sidings and Westhouses or towards Kirkby and Mansfield.

Notes of Train Movements Heard Track C2.

Refer to the bell codes above in conjuction with the Regulations for Train Signalling in order to ascertain the type of train being dealt with.

Starts at Bell Code(s) & Event
6m45s ILC 2 - 3 taken under 2 - 4 - 2 on Down Goods

Return to play another track.

Notes of Train Movements Heard Track A1.

Refer to the bell codes above in order to ascertain the type of train being dealt with.

Starts at Bell Code(s) & Events
8m 2 - 2 - 2 TES received on Up Main for 3 - 2.
Offered forward to Radford Junction.
13m10s 3 - 2 passing whistles 4 long and 2 - 2 - 4 TES is given.
27m30s 2 - 2 - 2 TES received on Up Main for a 4. Unable to offer on as 3 - 2 still in section to Radford Junction.
Shortly afterwards 1 - 5 - 5 sent to Radford Junction and, after a brief pause, received 2 - 1 and 4 offered on.
29m30s 3 - 2 - 2 -1 offered on Down Main from Stanton Gate North and accepted under 3 - 5 - 5 as a 4 is coming off the branch.
A few moments later the signalman can be heard reporting the 4 as having passed to Nottingham Telegraph Office.
37m30s 1 - 4 offered on the Up Main to Stanton Gate North is refused then being accepted 4 minutes later.
42m Signlman can be heard referring to the express having passed the Bridge. By this he means Pye Bridge.
43m25s 1 - 4 passes on the Up Main and whistles 5 short. 2 - 2 - 4 TES sent to Stanton Gate North.
44m10s Train out of Section (TOS) received on the Down Main from Bennerley and 3 - 2 - 2 - 1 offered on. As the train was already dropping down to the Starter, and to keep the Bennerley Signalman at the bell, 1 beat was given after the train was accepted, the Starter pulled and TES given.
This giving of 1 beat to keep your mate at the bell was unofficial but widely practiced in the area. Others gave TES immediately in which case the Signalman accepting the train kept his block indicator at Line Clear for a few moments thus giving the man in rear time to clear his Starting signal.
46m 2 - 2 - 2 received on the Up Main for an Express. Offered on to Radford Junction.
48m10s Stanton Gate North sends 5 - 3 for a train previously accepted on the Down Main. Train redescribed to a 3 - 2.

Return to play another track.

Notes of Train Movements Heard Track A2.

Refer to the bell codes above in order to ascertain the type of train being dealt with.

Starts at Bell Code(s) & Events
10m 3 - 2 passing on the Up Main whistles 3 short pause 1 short. TES 2 - 2 - 2 given to Stanton Gate North.
15m 3 - 2 accepted on the Up Main.
21m35s 3 - 2 redescribed to 3 - 2 - 5 and TES 2 - 2 - 2 received. Train offered on to Radford Junction.
46m55s 3 - 2 - 2 - 2 accepted on the Down Goods.

Return to play another track.

Notes of Train Movements Heard Track B1.

Refer to the bell codes above in order to ascertain the type of train being dealt with.

Starts at Bell Code(s) & Events
8m25s Signalman Ben Allen receives a call on the omnibus circuit 2 longs and 2 short. He has a long conversation about various domestic issues.
10m 1 - 3 - 1 (3M09) comes off the Branch from Radford Junction.
28m25s 3 - 2 offered on the Up Goods to Stanton Gate North and accepted under 2 - 4 - 2.
37m25s TOS received for first train on Up Goods. As there is still another in the section 2 - 1 acknowledged by 1 beat.
42m20s 3 - 2 - 2 - 1 accepted on Down Goods, TOL straight away and then 2 - 1 for train that had been accepted under 2 - 4 - 2.
49m30s 5 - 1 - 3 accepted on Down Main
59m25s 2 - 3 - 4 accepted on Down Goods Line and TES received straight away.
1h0m30s 2 - 3 - 4 offered on to Bennerley Junction.
After being accepted receives TOL for a light engine followed by 2 - 2 (engine assisting).
Then receives TOS. on Down Main and offers on a 3 - 2.
All this done very sarcastically by the Bennerley Junction Signalman (ringing slowly).

Return to play another track.

Notes of Train Movements Heard Track B2.

Refer to the bell codes above in order to ascertain the type of train being dealt with.

Starts at Bell Code(s) & Events
1m45s 3 - 2 offered to Stanton Gate North on the Up Main and refused.
Accepted 1 minute later.
6m10s 3 - 2 on Up Main whistles 5 short. 2 - 2 - 4 TES sent to Stanton Gate North.
17m10s 2 - 3 - 2 - 1 accepted on the Down Main.
18m35s TES received for the above followed by 2 - 2 (engine assisting).
29m15s 4 - 1 offered to Stanton Gate North is refused, accepted a short while later.
54m05s 3 - 2 - 2 - 1 accepted on the Down Main and offered straight on.
1h4m40s 5 - 1 - 2 accepted on the Down Goods Line.

Return to play another track.

Notes of Train Movements Heard Track C1.

Refer to the bell codes above in order to ascertain the type of train being dealt with.

Starts at Bell Code(s) & Events
0m50s TES received for 5 - 1 - 2 and offered on to Bennerley Junction.
The Signalman at Bennerley Junction cuts in as Trowell Junction Signalman is ringing and the bell signal is repeated. He still gets it wrong and replies 5 - 1 - 1 - 2.
Signalman Ben Allen can be heard laughing!
5m05s 2 - 3 - 2 - 2 offered on the Down Main and is taken under the Warning Arrangement as a 4 - 1 is signalled off the Branch.
6m55s TES received for the 2 - 3 - 2 - 2 followed by 2 - 2 (engine assisting).
10m10s 2 - 3 - 2 - 2 hits the berth track circuit.
16m05s TOS received from Bennerly Junction on the Down Main and 2 - 3 - 2 - 2 offered on. As the engine is by now on the Starting signal, when the engine has been accepted he gives one beat on the bell (to keep the Signalman there) whilst he pulls the Starter.
36m 3 - 2 offered to Stanton Gate North on the Up Goods. Initially takes it at ‘allright’, then he realises there is already one train in the section and quickly accepts it under 2 - 4 - 2.
53m50s 3 - 2 offered to Stanton Gate North on the Up Goods and accepted under 2 - 4 - 2.
58m55s TOS received for the first of the 3 trains on the Up Goods. Acknowledged by 1 beat.

Return to play another track.

Technical Notes

Information on the boxes made it clear that these were dubbed copies of the original recordings and it was obvious that two original tapes had become three with both originals and copies being double sided. Each of the three boxes was marked up to show the origins of the content and with each tape was a conversion chart based on the revolution counters of the tape recorders. Revolution counters, called program indicators, are just that, they cannot be directly correlated to the length of tape passing the recorder head as the amount of tape pulled through per revolution varies according to the amount of tape currently present on the take up spool. Recording (and playback) time is also influenced by the speed set on the tape recorder and the thickness of the tape which, in turn, varies according to whether the tape is standard, long or extended play.

The tapes came with an instruction booklet for a Philips N4308 model which indicates that it was capable of two different record / playback speeds and could work in mono or stereo. So far as we can tell the recordings are in mono. Whether this was the recorder used for the originals, the dubbing, or both we have no way of knowing.

With a total recorded time of 6 hours, 26 minutes, 53 seconds this points to the originals having been made using 7" reels of long play tape and the dubbed copies received are on 5¾" reels of long play tape. This would give a declared time (in the booklet) per side of 1 hour 36 minutes for the originals and 1 hour 4 minutes with the recorder set to work at the higher speed of 3¾" per second.

Copy Sequence

This information was found on the outside of the tape boxes.

Original Tape / Track Old counter numbers Copy Tape / Track
543 to 931
000 to 278
A Side 1
1/2 278 to 915 A Side 2
2/1 003 to 530 B Side 1
530 to 909
000 to 265
B Side 2
265 to 941
000 to 030
C Side 1
1/1 000 to 543 C Side 2

Comparison of old / new counter numbers (Continuity)

This information was found on a sheet of paper enclosed with the tape reel inside the box, one sheet of paper per box.

Original Tape Copy (new) Tape
Tape 1 Side 1 Tape A Side 1
543 = 000
568 = 010
649 = 060
809 = 145
923 = 200
931 = 204
Tape 1 Side 2 ↓↓↓
000 = 204
118 = 352
204 = 478
253 = 564
273 = 603
278 = 615
↓↓↓ Tape A Side 2
278 = 000
291 = 010
378 = 075
413 = 100
450 = 128
501 = 167
560 = 211
613 = 250
682 = 300
853 = 425
880 = 444
= 469
Tape 2 Side 1 Tape B Side 1
003 = 003
530 = 597½
↓↓↓ Tape B Side 2
530 = 003
775 = 143
810 = 161
860 = 187
900 = 206
909 = 211
Tape 2 Side 2 ↓↓↓
000 = 211
020 = 235
100 = 338
200 = 488
265 = 610
↓↓↓ Tape C Side 1
265 = 000
330 = 050
385 = 092
400 = 104
450 = 143
500 = 181
523 = 199
600 = 258
654 = 300
694 = 331
760 = 383
800 = 414
850 = 453
05:00 hours
= 494
= 526
= blank
Tape 1 Side 1 ↓↓↓
000 = 540
026 = 600
030 = 610
Tape 1 Side 1 Tape C Side 2
000 = 600
203 = 197
520 = 575
531 = 590
537 = 600
543 = 610
continues with Tape A above

It is not known whether or not the selection of counter numbers for the comparison is significant in relation to what is heard or whether they are just 'arbitrary'.

Can you help?

The project would love to hear from you, especially if you worked or still work in a signal box, and you are willing to provide reminiscences and / or pictures. Please contact the webmaster in the first instance.