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Signal Fact 8

At Brockley Whins in the mid 1830s, flag signals were used to control the junction between the Stanhope & Tyne Railway and the Brandling Junction Railway.

Wirral Railway

This page should be regarded as “Work in Progress”. The webmaster will welcome additional information for this page.

In the list below the information is set out in tabular form, spread over four columns. The column entries are -

RailRef The Line Code used in RailRef system.
Line Detail The principal locations included within the Line Code. They are arranged in 'down' direction order. Locations shown are primarily stations and junctions to allow easy cross check against published atlases. Signal box names appear in italics where these are 'intermediate' to stations or have been shown to facilitate links from other pages on this web site. The inclusion of a station or junction name does not imply that there was always a signal box of that same name!
SBR The section reference used in the relevant Signal Box Register published by the Society.
ELR The corresponding Engineer's Line Reference(s). This will be blank for railways that never came within British Railways terms of reference. It will also be blank where British Railways had no surviving responsibility for infrastructure at the time the ELR system came into use.

RailRef Line Detail SBR ELR
WI001 Birkenhead Park - New Brighton
datum Man Island Junction
3m05c Birkenhead Park MY005
  Birkenhead North No.1
3m75c Birkenhead Docks (2nd)(1)
  Birkenhead North No.2 WI002
4m40c Bidston East Junction WI010
4m61c Bidston North Junction
4m73c Seacombe Junction WI004
5m13c Seacombe No.3 Junction Junction (2) WI005
5m48c Wallasey Village
5m73c Wallasey (3)
  Sand Siding Junction WI007
7m18c New Brighton
(1) Birkenhead North from c1930
(2) New Brighton No.1 (1899-1913 OS maps 328840 391250)
(3) Wallasey Grove Road from 1948

CWK2: Birkenhead Park - Bidston East Junction
BEN: Bidston East Junction - New Brighton 1960 Appendix refers to a speed restriction between 4mp and station at New Brighton indicating that the mile post datum for the line was probably Birkenhead Park.
WI002 Birkenhead North No.2 - Birkenhead Docks (M.D.& H.B.)
datum Bidston East Junction
0m43c Mersey Dock and Harbour Board Estate
0m36c Birkenhead Docks (1st)
0m36c Wallasey Bridge Road LC
0m18c Birkenhead North No.2 (1) WI001 GC485
(1) Cobb labels this Birkenhead Docks South Junction
WI004 Seacombe Junction No.2 - Seacombe & Egremont
datum Mann Island
4m73c Seacombe No.1 Junction (1) WI001
5m11c Seacombe No.2 Junction (2) WI005
5m28c Slopes Branch Junction
5m52c Liscard & Poulton
6m30c Seacombe Goods Junction
7m18c Seacombe & Egremont (3)
(1) Seacombe No.1 Junction (1899-1913 OS maps)
(2) New Brighton No.2 Junction (1913 RCH map)
(3) Seacombe until 1911 and from 1953

1937 Appendix refers to speed restrictions using mile post distances of 7m60c to 8m20c mile posts between Slopes Branch Junction and Seacombe & Egremont. These distances are right for a datum of West Kirby.
WI005 Seacombe Junction No.2 - Seacombe Junction No.3
Seacombe No.2 Junction WI004
signal box half way along (1913 OS map)
Seacombe No.3 Junction WI001
RCH 1913 map calls them New Brighton No.2 and New Brighton No.1
WI006 Slopes Branch
MDHB/WR boundary
Slopes Branch Junction
WI007 New Brighton Sand Sidings
end of siding
Sand Siding Junction WI001
Is this New Brighton No.1 Junction to New Brighton No.2 Junction
WI010 West Kirby - Bidston East Junction
datum Mann Island
4m40c Bidston East Junction WI001
4m71c Bidston West Junction WI013
4m75c Bidston
4m78c Dee Junction GC483
5m60c Reeds Lane LC
5m65c Leasowe
6m29c Moreton (1)
7m53c Carr Lane Crossing
8m11c Meols
8m43c Tolans LC
8m59c Carlton Lane LC
8m66c Sandringham Avenue LC
8m71c Manor Road
9m00c Elm Grove LC
9m05c Melrose Avenue LC
9m27c Hoylake
9m31c Station Road LC
10m34c Wirral Junction BJ006
10m46c West Kirby
(1) Moreton Merseyside from 1980

1960 Appendix refers to a speed restriction from West Kirby to the quarter mile post indicating that mile posts ran from zero at West Kirby. Had been remiled by 1988.
WI013 Bidston West Junction - Bidston North Junction
Bidston West Junction WI010
Bidston North Junction WI001
Extended to Seacombe (No.1) Junction when Bidston Junction abolished. Datum was prbably West Kirby until ??


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