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Recording Yesterday for the Future
Recording Today for Tomorrow

This is not just a web site, This is the SRS Web Site!

Society Information Update

Crewe Area visit 26th October. See the Meetings & Events page for details.

New Farsap Videos: Videos of the Barry area centering on Barry station and one covering the section of the Blyth & Tyne that reopens this year have been added to the collection.

LSWR Signalling: New book by Graham Bowring available for just £36 to our members - publisher's cover price £49.95. Join us now and order a copy while stocks at this price are available.

The Archive is open to visitors. See the Meetings & Events page for dates and details.

Check the Calendar page as well for planned events.

Don't forget to check the News page as well for other news and announcements.

Inverness Rose Street signal box
Inverness Rose Street signal box
Chesham Collection
© Signalling Record Society

Welcome indeed, to the web site of the Signalling Record Society.

The Society maintains and shares knowledge of Railway Signalling and Operation in the British Isles and Overseas. Everything from the present day signalling to the earliest times.

We possess much archive material and have expertise which can assist members in their study and research on these topics. We publish books, photographs and drawings which may be purchased. Modern material is being added to the digital archive regularly and members are able to download some of the digital material free of charge.

Please take the opportunity to explore the site. Navigation links are provided at the top of the page (in the bar to your left on old style pages) and more links are conveniently scattered about the pages. A link to the home page and the top of the page you are viewing are provided at the bottom of all pages.

Want to know more about us and what we do?

Follow this link to our About Us page for more information.

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Even if the answer was No, we'd still love to have you as a member.

Members wishing to be notified by email of any meeting cancellations or rearrangements should ensure they are included on the email list. To add your name to the list please contact the Membership Secretary, contact details are on the back page of SRS News.

For any questions about this web site please ask, by email to the webmaster. That will help us to see what else should be on this site or otherwise improve the browsing experience for you.

Other questions about the Society and its activities should be addressed to the appropriate person listed on the Contacts page.


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Page last modified Wednesday, 25th November, 2020, 17:42 hours.
Entire site copyright © 2008–2024 The Signalling Record Society. All rights reserved.
A Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales.
Registered Charity Number 1176506.