The Signalling Record Society
ELR to RailRef Correlation - ELR Codes O
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Signal Fact 32
Walker of the South Eastern Railway devised a form of block instrument which used miniature semaphore arms to denote the state of the line. The arms lowered when the line was clear.
Some of these instruments were still in use well into British Railways tenure.
Explanation of column content is here.
ELR | BR-NR | Line Description | RailRef |
OAG | yes | Oldham - Ashton | OG003 OG001 |
OAJ | yes | Oakenshaw South Junction - Oakenshaw Junction | LY343 |
OAU | Audenshaw Junction to Canal Junction | OG005 | |
OAW | yes | Over & Warton Branch | NW531 |
OBA | yes | Oban Branch | CA520 CA521 |
OBN | yes | Oban Line | NB462 CA521 |
OBS | Oakbank Branch | CA061 | |
OCB | Ollerton Colliery Branch | ||
OCL | yes | Orchardhall Branch | CA503 |
OCR | Oakley Branch | NB611 | |
OCZ | Old Carway Branch | BP002 | |
ODT | Middlesbrough Old Town Branch | NE517 | |
OFB | Fochabers Branch | HR015 | |
OGD | Gifford Branch | NB012 | |
OGI | Ogilvie Colliery Branch | BM023 | |
OGM | yes | Ogmore Valley Branch | GW562 GW565 |
OJS | yes | Otford Junction - Sevenoaks Junction | SE122 |
OJW | yes | Oakmoor Junction - Oakmoor Wharf | NS023 |
OLC | Ollerton Colliery Branch Mid Notts | ||
OLD | yes | Oldbury Branch | GW753 |
OLL | yes | Ordsall Lane to Liverpool Line | NW623 NW624 |
OLM | yes | Oldham Branch | NW812 |
OLW | yes | Windsor Link | NW621 |
OME | Olive Mount to Edge Hill Line | NW608 NW603 NW633 |
OMI | Omoa Branch | CA174 | |
OMO | Silverburn Branch | CA175 | |
ONJ | Oxford North Junction | ||
OOC | Old Oak Common Yards | ||
OON | yes | Barnsley Coal Railway (Starfoot - Nostell) | GC290 |
OOS | yes | Old Oak Sidings, Willesden | NW100 |
OPM | Berryards Branch | CA456 | |
ORD | High Level Goods Loop | LY034 | |
ORG | yes | Oldham Road Goods Branch | LY032 |
ORI | Oldham Road St Georges Incline | LY033 | |
OSC | yes | Oakenshaw South Junction - Crofton East Junction | LY346 |
OSL | Oulton Broad South to Lowestoft South Line | GE273 GE274 |
OSN | Oakwell Junction to Stairfoot North Line | GC291 | |
OTB | Otley and Ilkley Joint Line | OI001 | |
OTL | yes | Otley - Bramhope | NE456 |
OVE | yes | Ogmore Vale Extension Line | PT030 |
OWW | yes | Oxford, Worcester & Wolverhampton Railway | GW GW690 GW710 GW720 GW780 |
OXC | yes | Stafford Road Junction - Bushbury Oxley Junction (Oxley Chord) | GW768 |
OXD | yes | Oxford Branch (Bletchley Bay Platform - Oxford North Junction) | NW130 |
OXO | yes | Oxcroft Open Cast Branch | MR788 |
OXW | yes | Windermere Branch | NW896 |
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Page last modified Thursday, 7th January, 2021, 15:09 hours.
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