The Signalling Record Society
ELR to RailRef Correlation - ELR Codes R
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Signal Fact 28
A fully interlocked lever frame controlling points and related junction signals was installed at Kentish Town Junction in 1860.
It was designed by Austin Chambers who worked for the North London Railway.
Explanation of column content is here.
ELR | BR-NR | Line Description | RailRef |
RAC | yes | Radford Junction - Kirkby Lane End Junction | MR640 |
RAD | yes | Radyr Branch | TV051 |
RAM | Ramp Line | ||
RAN | Ramsey North Branch | GN045 | |
RAV | Ravenscraig No.1 Branch | CA146 | |
RAZ | Rassa Tramroad | ||
RBF | Redheugh Bank Foot Line | NE650 NE658 NE655 |
RBG | Raebog Branch | NB304 | |
RBJ | Brownieside - Rawyards | NB251 | |
RBS | yes | Rugby - Birmingham - Stafford | NW320 NW321 NW360 NW340 |
RBY | yes | Reedham - Burney Arms - Great Yarmouth | GE141 |
RBZ | Riverside Branch | GW634 | |
RCB | yes | Rutherglen & Coatbridge Branch | CA340 |
RCD | Rossington Colliery Branch | LY394 | |
RCH | Ringwood to Christchurch Line | SW107 | |
RCL | Riddochill Branch | NB208 | |
RCM | Ramcroft Colliery Branch | MR791 | |
RDB | yes | Runcorn Dukes Docks Branch | NW593 |
RDG | yes | Reading Line | SW001 SW030 SW050 SE080 |
RDK | yes | Ramsden Dock Branch | FN040 FN042 |
RDL | Renfrew District Line | GP009 | |
RDO | unknown line near St Pancras | ||
RDR | Redcar | NE537l | |
RDW | yes | Red Wharf Bay Branch | NW504 |
RDY | Radyr Down Yard | TV051 | |
REB | yes | Redmire Branch | NE237 NE239 |
RED | yes | Redhill Line | SE072 LB071 |
REN | Renfrew Branch | GS234 GS235 |
RET | yes | Retew Branch | |
REX | Rexco Sidings | MR625 MR623 |
RFL | yes | Ribble Fork Line | LY213 |
RFW | yes | Renfrew Wharf Branch | GS234 |
RGH | Rough Castle Branch | NB161 | |
RGW | Romford Gas Works and Lower Yard | GE008 | |
RGY | yes | Rugby Sidings | NW128 |
RHD | yes | Rosyth Royal Dockyard Branch | NB484 NB485 |
RHE | Ripley and Heanor Railway | MR722 | |
RHN | yes | Robin Hood - Newmarket Colliery | EW002 |
RHO | yes | Rhos Branch | GW850 |
RHS | yes | Roundhouse Branch | NW575 |
RHY | Rothesay Dock Branch RHY1 Clydebank Dock - West Junction RHY2 Clydebank Dock West Junction - Green Road RHY3 Rothesay Dock West Branch |
NB394 NB395 NB396 |
RIC | yes | Riccarton Branch | GS073 GS074 |
RID | yes | Richmond - Eryholme | NE240 |
RIG | Renishaw Ironworks Branch | GC066c | |
RIK | yes | Rickmansworth Branch | NW070 NW071 |
RIM | Renishaw Ironworks Branch | MR776 | |
RIP | yes | Ripponden Branch | LY291 |
RJB | Romiley Curve | GC413 | |
RJS | yes | Rouden Junction - Swaffham | GE121 |
RKN | Rankinston Branch | GS055 | |
RLB | yes | Langholme Branch | NB042 |
RLL | Reading Low Level Goods Lines | GW082 GW082c |
RLY | yes | Ripple Lane Yards | MR049 |
RMB | yes | Roddymoor Branch | NE321 |
RMJ | yes | Rowrah - Marron Junction (WC&E) | FN080 |
RML | yes | Anston - Ravenfield (RM&L) | HB023 GC233 |
RMS | Ramsgate Town - Margate Sands | SE063 | |
RNC | yes | Rutherglen North Chord | CA362 |
RNH | Rosehall North Branch | NB325 | |
RNJ | yes | Reading Spur - Reading New Junction | SE081 |
RNR | SE046 | ||
RNW | yes | Runton to North Walsham Line | MG021 |
ROA | yes | Roath Branch | TV060 |
ROB | Rothes - Orton Line | GO032 | |
ROC | yes | Roath Dock Branch | GW531 |
ROD | yes | Rothesay Dock Branch | CA382 |
ROJ | Reading Old Junction | SE082 | |
ROK | yes | Rock Sidings | CM011 |
ROL | Rolles Quay Branch | SW151c | |
RON | yes | Royton Branch | LY005 |
ROS | yes | Ross on Wye & Little Mill Line | GW384 |
ROT | Redcar Ore Terminal Branch | ||
ROU | yes | Romford - Upminster | MR041 |
ROW | yes | Rowrah Branch | CW015 |
ROY | yes | Royston - Dewsbury | MR870 |
ROZ | Roath Goods Branch | TV061 | |
Radyr Pre-assembly Depot | TV051 | ||
RPE | yes | Raynes Park Junction - Epsom Junction | SW012 SW012a |
RRC | Rathbone Road Coal Yard | NW602 | |
RRN | yes | Ryecroft Junction - Rugeley North Junction | |
RRY | yes | Robroyston Branch | CA472 |
RRZ | Rhymney and Nantybwch Line | RR001 | |
RSB | yes | Rhondda & Swansea Bay Line | RS001 RS020 |
RSC | Roundwood Chord Junction to Silverwood Colliery Line | GC237 | |
RSD | yes | Rugby - Stamford | NW160 NW170 |
RSH | Rosehall South Branch | NB324 | |
RSJ | yes | Redhill - Shalford Junction | SE073 |
RSK | Roskear Branch | GW354 | |
RSL | yes | Rosehall and Langloan Curve | CA341 CA346 |
RST | Regent Street Branch | CA459 | |
RSW | yes | Inverness Avoiding Line | HR006 |
RSY | Rothesay Dock Branch | NB394 NB395 |
RSZ | Swansea Riverside Branch/Swansea Harbour Branch | RS036 | |
RTB | Radcliffe South Junction to Bradley Fold Junction Line | ||
RTJ | yes | Redbridge Junction - Tunnel Junction | SW129 SW126 |
RTR | Reading Triangle Sidings | ||
RTS | yes | Rugby - Leamington Line | NW310 |
RTT | yes | Redhill - Tonbridge West Junction | SE072 |
RUA | yes | Ruabon - Barmouth | GW845 CM054 |
RUB | yes | Rufford Junction - Bilsthorpe Colliery | GC121 GC122 |
RUC | yes | Rufford Colliery Branch | GC121 GC121f MR627 MR628 |
RUD | yes | Ruddington Chord | GC025i |
RUM | Ruchill Branch | CA475 | |
RUN | Ruchill Branch | NB412 | |
RUS | Rushey Platt Curve | MW001 | |
RUZ | Ruthern Bridge Branch | SW156 | |
RVC | Ravensbourne Loop | SE112 | |
RVE | Riverside Branch | NE672 | |
RVS | yes | Old Kilpatrick Branch | CA386 CA380 |
RWB | Radiator Works Branch | HB037 | |
RWC | yes | Reading West Curve | GW084 |
RWD | yes | River Witham, Fiskerton | GN100 |
RWF | Radcliffe West Fork | LY064 | |
RWJ | yes | Rugby - Leicester (Wigston) | MR151 |
RWR | Ravenswood & Reston Line (Berwickshire Branch) | NB063 | |
RWS | yes | River Wear Commissioners | NE612 |
RWT | yes | Rolleston West Curve | MR621 |
RYE | Rye Harbour Branch | SE048 | |
RYH | yes | Romily - Hyde Junction | GC415 GC416 |
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Page last modified Thursday, 7th January, 2021, 15:09 hours.
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