The Signalling Record Society
ELR to RailRef Correlation - ELR Codes S
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Signal Fact 46
Upper quadrant semaphore signals first appeared in 1911 on the Metropolitan Railway.
Explanation of column content is here.
ELR | BR-NR | Line Description | RailRef |
SAA | yes | Stirling - Alloa | NB600 |
SAB | yes | Lawton Junction - Sandbach | NS091 |
SAC | yes | Settle & Carlisle Line | MR930 |
SAD | yes | Somerset & Dorset (Bath - Templecombe) | SD001 SD005 |
SAE | Sandy Gate Branch | BP010 | |
SAG | yes | St Andrews Junction - Grand Junction | MR255 |
SAH | yes | Hatfield - St Albans | GN031 |
SAI | Salford Incline | LY081 | |
SAJ | yes | Stalybridge Junction - Guide Bridge West Junction | GC390 |
SAL | yes | Salisbury Branch | GW195 |
SAM | Broom and Byfield Line. Now SJT. | ||
SAM | yes | Shropshire & Montgomeryshire | SM001 |
SAN | Sandy Gate Branch. Now SAE. | ||
SAN | yes | Santon Ore Branch | GC190c |
SAR | yes | South Acton - Richmond | SW038 SW035 |
SAS | yes | Stechford - Aston | NW327 |
SAT | Saltmarket Branch | GS211 | |
SAU | St Austell Goods Branch | GW332 | |
SAW | yes | Severn & Wye | SV001 |
SBA | yes | Shrewsbury & Aberystwyth | SP001 CM001 CM040 |
SBB | yes | Salford - Manchester Ship Canal | LY082 |
SBC | yes | Stainton Branch | FN021 |
SBE | St Catherine's Junction to Black Carr East Junction | GN298 | |
SBF | yes | Shipley East Junction - Bradford Forster Square | MR891 |
SBH | yes | Springs Branch - Huyton< | NW684 NW680 |
SBJ | St Budeaux Junction. Now SBX. | ||
SBJ | yes | Swanley Junction - Ashford via Maidstone East | SE121 |
SBK | yes | Sudbrook Branch | GW470 GW473 |
SBL | yes | SBL1 Siddick Junction - Calva SBL2 Calva Junction - Buckhill |
CW001 CW004 |
SBM | Sandal Branch | WR009 | |
SBR | yes | Shepreth Branch | GN035 GE054 |
SBS | yes | Sudbury Sidings | GE222 |
SBT | yes | Sudbury - Thetford | GE220 GE283 |
SBX | St Budeaux Junction | SW157i | |
SBY | yes | South Bishopley Branch | NE311 |
SCA | Sheepbridge Branch | MR773 MR772 |
SCB | yes | Sutton Colliery Branch Skegby Branch |
MR745 |
SCC | yes | Sheepcote Curve | WE002 |
SCD | yes | Scunthorpe, Trent Junction - Dawes Lane Junction | GC192 |
SCG | yes | South Carlisle Goods Lines/td> | MC007 |
SCH | yes | SCH1 Woodville Branch | MR181 |
SCJ | South Cobbinshaw Branch | CA050 | |
SCL | yes | Soho Curve | NW365 |
SCM | yes | CA270 CA271 NB340 CA490 CA510 CA530 CA540 CA542 |
SCN | yes | Ship Canal Branch | NW625 |
SCO | Seaforth Connecting Line | LY194 | |
SCP | yes | Sydenham Junction - Crystal Palace Tunnel Junction | LB047 |
SCQ | yes | Waterhouses Branch | NS040 NS043 NS042 NS026 |
SCR | yes | Speke Junction - Church Road Junction | NW594 |
SCT | yes | Seaforth Container Terminal Branch | NW634 NW636 |
SCU | yes | South Croydon - Uckfield | CO001 LB102 LB103 LB104 LB104 |
SCW | yes | Gallows Close Goods, Scarborough | NE225 |
SCY | Summit Colliery Branch | GN193 | |
SCZ | Somerset Coal Canal | ||
SDA | Dafen Branch/St Davids Branch | GW633c | |
SDB | Bankfoot Branch | CA536 | |
SDC | yes | Stratford Central Junction - Coppermill North Junction | GE190 |
SDD | Sheerness Dockyard | SE129 | |
SDG | yes | Snodgrass Branch | GS137 |
SDH | yes | Haverhill - Shelford | GE052 |
SDI | yes | Swansea District Line | GW588 RS020 GW613 GW591 |
SDJ | yes | Skelton Junction to Ditton Junction Line | CL006 NW730 |
SDK | yes | Bradford St Dunstans N&E Junction - Keighley | GN370 GN367 |
SDL | Shieldhall Branch | GP010 | |
SDM | yes | Consett Branch | NE400 |
SDP | Swindon Loco Depot and Stores | ||
SDP | yes | St Denys to Portcreek Junction Line | SW072 LB141 |
SDS | yes | St Dennis Branch | GW334 |
SDT | yes | Shoreditch Depot | SW022 |
SDY | Grahamston Station Junction to Springfield Yard | ||
SDZ | St Dennis Branch | GW335 | |
SEA | yes | Seabanks Branch | NE601 |
SEB | yes | Seaton Branch | SW144 |
SEC | yes | Selby, Canal Junction - West Junction | NE032 |
SED | yes | Senghenydd - Caerphilly | RR021 |
SEJ | Swansea East Junction Line. Now SWT. | ||
SEJ | yes | Sheerness Branch | SE130 SE126 |
SEK | East Dock Line (Swansea) | ||
SEL | yes | Shepcote Lane West Junction - Tinsley South Junction | GC342 |
SEN | Senghenydd Branch. Now SED. | ||
SEN | yes | Syston, East - North | MR105 |
SEP | South Elmsall Loop | SK007 | |
SES | yes | Seal Sands Branch | NE563 |
SEU | yes | Seaton - Uppingham | NW171 |
SEY | yes | Seymour Colliery Branch | MR786 |
SFA | St Fagans Branch | BY013 | |
SFB | yes | Stockingford Branch | MR236 |
SFC | Sheffield City Goods Branch | NW846 | |
SFD | Seafield (Leith) Docks Branch | CA125 | |
SFI | Shawfield Branch | CA144 | |
SFK | Shawhill Fork | CA021 | |
SFL | Stockton Freightliner Terminal Branch | NE554 | |
SFO | yes | Stansfield Hall Fork Line | LY022 |
SFQ | Stud Farm Quarry Branch | MR162l | |
SFY | Stratton Factory Branch. Now SNY. | ||
SFY | Spitalfields Yards | GE004 | |
SFZ | Futterhill Branch | SV015 | |
SGB | yes | Saltney Goods Branch | GW874 |
SGC | Stretford Gasworks Siding | ||
SGL | Sighthill Yard Junction to Sighthill Freight Terminal Junction Line | ||
SGN | yes | Springburn Line | NB180 |
SGW | yes | Stafford Gas Works | GN252 |
SGZ | yes | Saltash to St Germans Line | GW293 |
SHA | Shawhead Branch | NB326 | |
SHB | yes | Sheffield - Barnsley | MR830 MR839 |
SHC | yes | Shirebrook Colliery Branch (GNR) | MR652 |
SHD | yes | Sheepford Branch | NB330 NB331 |
SHE | yes | Sheepbridge Branch (Chesterfield) | MR771 |
SHF | yes | Strawberry Hill Junction - Fulwell Junction | SW040 |
SHG | yes | Sherburn Junction - Gascoigne Wood Junction | NE182 |
SHI | yes | Shipley - Laisterdyke | GN355 |
SHL | yes | Shrewbury & Hereford Line | SH001 GW383 |
SHO | Shobnal Branch | MR219 |
SHP | Sheepford Branch | NB330 | |
SHR | yes | Wishaw Connecting Line | CA162 |
SHS | yes | St Helens Line | NW710 NW714 |
SHU | yes | Shoeburyness Sidings | MR045 |
SHW | yes | Shireoaks Junction - Woodend Junction | MR640 |
SHZ | Speech House Hill Branch | SV020a | |
SIA | MR650 | ||
SIB | yes | St Ives Branch | GE070 |
SIC | yes | Silverwood Colliery Branch | GC233 |
SID | yes | Sidmouth Branch | SW145 |
SIE | yes | St Ives - Sutton Junction (Ely) | GE070 GE074 |
SIG | Sighthill Branch | NB182 | |
SIL | yes | Stock Interchange Line | |
SIM | yes | Simpasture Branch | NE282 |
SIN | Singer Branch | NB424 | |
SIR | Sirhowy Line | NW260 | |
SIV | yes | St Ives Branch | GW360 |
SIZ | yes | Saxmundham - Leiston | GE267 |
SJA | yes | Lesmahawgo Branch | CA206 |
SJB | yes | St James Junction - Bridge Junction | GC271 |
SJC | yes | Carnforth - Wennington Junction | FN003 |
SJD | yes | Skelton Junction - Deansgate Junction | CL004 |
SJF | Stanley - Forfar | CA550 | |
SJG | Bridgeton Cross Branch | GS213 | |
SJL | Stalybridge Junction to Dukinfield Line | NW800 NW801 |
SJM | yes | Swinton - Mexborough | MR854 GC271c |
SJN | yes | Standish Junction Line | NW575 |
SJO | yes | Sandhills Junction - Ormskirk | LY160 LY180 |
SJR | Stockport Junction Railway | NW751 | |
SJS | yes | Stourbridge Town Branch | GW781 GW782 |
SJT | yes | Stratford on Avon & Midland Junction Line | MJ001 MJ004 MJ002 |
SJU | Seacombe Junction to Seacombe Station | WI004 | |
SKA | yes | Skellow Junction - Adwick Junction | WR006 |
SKB | South Kirkby Colliery Branch | WR016 | |
SKC | Skelmanthorpe Colliery Branch | LY312 | |
SKD | yes | Swansea King Dock Line | |
SKE | yes | Skelmersdale Branch | LY162 |
SKI | yes | Ilkley - Skipton | MR906 |
SKK | Selkirk Branch | NB064 | |
SKL | yes | Stocksbridge Light Railway | SLR |
SKM | yes | South Kirkby Junction - Moorthrope Station Junction | SK005 |
SKN | yes | Camp Hill Line | MR250 |
SKS | yes | Skipton North - Grassington | MR906 MR907 |
SKW | yes | Skipton and Wennington Line | MR890 MR910 |
SLB | yes | Forest of Dean (Lydbrook Branch) | SV022 |
SLC | yes | Stewarts Lane Sidings | SE104 |
SLD | yes | Stainland Branch | LY294 |
SLE | St Leonards Branch | NB098 | |
SLH | yes | Silloth Branch | NB035 |
SLJ | yes | Streatham North Junction - Streatham South Junction (Slow Lines) | LB006 |
SLL | St Lukes Junction to Pool Hey Junction Line | LY200 | |
SLN | yes | Standish Junction Line | NW580 |
SLO | Slough West Curve | GW070 | |
SLP | yes | Shotton Loop | GC498 |
SLR | (uncertain) | CA123 NB206 |
SLS | Swinlees Branch | GS162 | |
SLT | yes | Stonebridge Park LUL Depot | NW067 |
SLZ | Stratford-on-Avon to Longdon Road | GW694 | |
SMA | yes | South Manchester Airport Chord | NW744 |
SMB | yes | Buntingford - St Margarets | GE028 |
SMC | yes | Smithywood Colliery Branch | GC320 |
SME | yes | Smeaton Branch | NB011 |
SMF | Smyllum Fork | CA133 | |
SMI | yes | South Wales Mineral Railway | SL001 |
SMJ | South Wales Mineral Junction Branch. Now SWJ. | ||
SMJ | yes | Port Talbot - Tonmawr South Wales Mineral Junction. Now SWJ. | |
SMJ | yes | Swinton Junction - Milford Junction | SK001 NE160 SK006 NE180 |
SML | yes | Larkhall & Stonehouse Branch | CA241 |
SMM | yes | Macmerry Branch | NB011 |
SMN | yes | Slamannan Line | NB290 |
SMP | yes | Stratford Depot | |
SMS | yes | SMS1 Streatham South Junction - Wimbledon SMS2 Wimbledon - Sutton |
LB025 LB066 |
SMS | Greenhill Lower Junction to Larbert Junction Line | CA490 | |
SMW | Smithywood Colliery Branch | GC324 | |
SMY | Mayfield Low Level Goods Branch | NW754 | |
SNA | Snape Branch | GE266 | |
SNB | Swansea North Dock Branch. No SND. | ||
SNB | yes | Potto - Swainley (Whorlton Branch) | NE501 |
SNC | Stavely Works New Curve | ||
SND | Swansea North Dock Branch | GW601 | |
SNF | Selhurst to Norwood Fork Junction Line | LB062 | |
SNJ | yes | Sandbach - Northwich West Junction | NW741 |
SNK | yes | Swansea Docks Lines | GW617 GW618 |
SNL | Stanton Branch | GN220 | |
SNO | yes | Snydale Branches | MR848 |
SNS | yes | Streatham North Junction - Streatham South Junction (Fast Lines) | LB005 |
SNT | Swindon Transfer Yard | ||
SNW | yes | Sleaford, North - West | JN032 |
SNX | yes | Stanton Branch Extension | GN222 |
SNY | Stratton Factory Branch | GW114 | |
SOB | Oakwood Branch. Now SOD. | ||
SOB | yes | Soham Branch | GE063 GE062 |
SOC | Shireoaks Colliery Branch | MR659 | |
SOD | Oakwood Branch | SV010 | |
SOE | Souterhouse Branch | NB329 | |
SOG | South Side Goods Branch | CA412 | |
SOH | yes | South Leith Branch | NB020 |
SOL | yes | South Lynn Branch | MG007 |
SOP | yes | Soho Pool Branch | NW363 |
SOR | yes | Ramsey - Somersham | JN011 |
SOS | yes | Stourport on Severn Branch. Part of SVB. | |
SOT | yes | Seaton on Tees Branch | NE571 |
SOU | yes | Southport and Preston Line | LY220 |
SOW | yes | Solway Branch | CA022 |
SOY | yes | Southampton Eastern Docks | SW070 SW086 |
SPB | Sproxton Branch | GN132 | |
SPC | Sheepbridge Canal Branch | MR772 | |
SPC | yes | St Pancras to Chesterfield Line |
MR001 MR070 MR080 MR150 MR200 MR205 MR420 MR750 |
SPD | yes | Spalding and Doncaster Line | GN090 JN030 GN100 JN040 JN050 GN278 |
SPE | Spiersbridge Branch | GB005 | |
SPF | yes | Fort Augustus Branch | NB464 |
SPG | Parkend Goods Branch | SV012 | |
SPH | yes | Springs Branch | NW555 |
SPI | yes | Spilsby - Firsby | GN113 |
SPJ | Six Pit Connector | GW597 MR413 |
SPK | Springbank Branch | NB254 | |
SPL | Springwell Branch | MR775 | |
SPN | Spinners End Goods Branch | GW761 | |
SPO | yes | Stonehouse Pool Branch | SW158 |
SPR | Staveley Works Curve | ||
SPS | yes | Sculcoates Power Station Branch | HB039 |
SPV | Stooperdale Curve | NE261 | |
SPW | yes | Springbank North Junction - Walton Street Junction | HB036 |
SPY | yes | Springhead Yard | HB031 HB032 |
SRD | yes | St Helens - Rainford | NW696 |
SRM | St Rollox and Milton Line | CA483 | |
SRS | yes | Stonebridge Park Shop Sidings | |
SRY | St Rollox Yard | ||
SRZ | Stapleton Road Goods Branch | GW138 | |
SSB | yes | Spalding - Sutton Bridge | MG004 |
SSB | Severn and Wye Sling Branch | SV016 | |
SSC | yes | Streatham Junction - Streatham Common Junction | LB007 |
SSD | Stockton to Sunderland Line | NE350 NE351 |
SSE | yes | Sleaford, South - East | JN031 |
SSG | yes | Sculcoates Goods | HB039 |
SSH | South Dock High Level Line. Now SSZ. | ||
SSH | yes | Scunthorpe Yards | |
SSJ | yes | Sheet Stores Junction to Stenson Branch | MR202 |
SSK | yes | Skinningrove Branch | NE540 |
SSL | South Dock Low Level Line. Now SSY. | ||
SSL | yes | Seven Sisters Loop | GE031 |
SSM | Shipley Branch | MR714 | |
SSN | Sharpness Dock North Branch | SV004 | |
SSO | NW715 | ||
SSP | yes | Soho South Junction - Perry Barr South Junction | NW362 |
SSR | Glasgow City Union Line | GS198 GS201 GS210 |
SSS | yes | Sharpness Dock South Branch | SV003 |
SSV | yes | Shenfield - Southend Victoria | GE200 GE201 |
SSW | Stratford Western Junction to Stratford Southern Junction Line | GE170 | |
SSY | South Dock Low Level Line | NW304 | |
SSZ | South Dock High Level Line | NW305 | |
STA | yes | Staines Branch | GW067 GW068 |
STB | yes | St Botolph's Branch | GE231 |
STC | Stairfoot & Cudworth Line | MR835 | |
STD | yes | Stratford Branch | GW697 |
STE | Stoneycombe Branch | GW265 | |
STF | yes | Stillington - Ferryhill | NE340 NE341 |
STG | yes | Crewe Sorting Sidings SOuth Junction - Crewe South Junction (Stoke Goods Line) | NW204 |
STH | yes | Stanmore - Harrow & Wealdstone | NW017 |
STI | Swannington Incline | MR163 | |
STJ | yes | Whitehouse West Junction - Whitehouse East Junction | LY214 |
STK | yes | Stank Branch | FN033 |
STM | yes | Temple Mills Yard, Stratford | |
STN | yes | Stranraer Harbour Branch | PW001 |
STO | yes | Stoke Works Branch | GW721 |
STR | Stroud Branch. Now STW. | ||
STR | yes | Stranraer Line | GS110 GS013 PW001 PW004 |
STS | yes | Seaford Branch | LB121 |
STW | Stroud Branch | MR297 | |
STY | yes | Styal Line | NW743 |
SUB | yes | Edinburgh Suburban Line | NB060 NB090 |
SUC | yes | Salt Union Company's Siding | NW532 |
SUD | yes | Sudbury Branch | GE220 |
SUT | yes | Sutton Harbour Branch | GW285 GW279 |
SUX | yes | Stafford - Uttoxeter | GN250 |
SVB | yes | Severn Valley Branch | GW723 GW822 |
SVE | yes | Hamilton & Strathaven Branch | CA250 |
SVL | yes | Swansea Vale Line | MR400 MR401 MR410 |
SVN | yes | Strathavon Branch | NB299 |
SVS | yes | Severnside Works | GW145 |
SWA | yes | Swansea High Street Branch | GW598 |
SWB | yes | South Wales & Bristol Direct | GW120 |
SWC | Swalwell Colliery Branch | NE661 | |
SWD | yes | Seaton to Wansford Branch | NW160 |
SWE | yes | Windsor Branch | SW051 |
SWG | Shawrigg Branch | CA243 | |
SWH | Swanwick Branch | MR426 | |
SWI | Wimberry Branch. Now WIY. | ||
SWI | yes | Swinehill Branch | CA242 |
SWJ | South Wales Mineral Junction Branch | PT003 SL001 |
SWK | Shardlow Works Branch | ||
SWL | yes | Swansea Loop Line | GW599 |
SWM | yes | South Wales Main Line | GW370 GW380 GW390 GW470 GW530 GW550 GW580 GW590 GW630 GW660 |
SWN | yes | Swansea Line | |
SWO | Halesworth to Southwold Line | ST001 | |
SWP | yes | Shirebrook - Warsop | GC111 |
SWR | Cardiff East Branch | ||
SWS | Shildon Works | NE283 | |
SWT | GW621 | ||
SWW | yes | Swinton West Curve (Rotherham) | GC272 |
SWX | Staines West Link Line | SW049 | |
SWY | yes | Stert & Westbury Line | GW180 |
SYB | yes | Saxby - Bourne | MR103 |
SYC | yes | Shrewsbury - Crewe | NW225 |
SYD | Stoneywood Branch | CA500 | |
SYE | yes | Sunnyside Loop | NB320 |
SYS | yes | Saxby - Sutton Bridge | MG003 MG004 |
SZS | yes | South West Sidings, Willesden | NW100 |
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