The Signalling Record Society
ELR to RailRef Correlation - ELR Codes O
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Signal Fact 4
Around 1834 the first rotating board signals worked by a handle at the bottom of the post began to appear on the Liverpool & Manchester Railway.
Explanation of column content is here.
ELR | BR-NR | Line Description | RailRef |
OAG | yes | Oldham - Ashton | OG003 OG001 |
OAJ | yes | Oakenshaw South Junction - Oakenshaw Junction | LY343 |
OAU | Audenshaw Junction to Canal Junction | OG005 | |
OAW | yes | Over & Warton Branch | NW531 |
OBA | yes | Oban Branch | CA520 CA521 |
OBN | yes | Oban Line | NB462 CA521 |
OBS | Oakbank Branch | CA061 | |
OCB | Ollerton Colliery Branch | ||
OCL | yes | Orchardhall Branch | CA503 |
OCR | Oakley Branch | NB611 | |
OCZ | Old Carway Branch | BP002 | |
ODT | Middlesbrough Old Town Branch | NE517 | |
OFB | Fochabers Branch | HR015 | |
OGD | Gifford Branch | NB012 | |
OGI | Ogilvie Colliery Branch | BM023 | |
OGM | yes | Ogmore Valley Branch | GW562 GW565 |
OJS | yes | Otford Junction - Sevenoaks Junction | SE122 |
OJW | yes | Oakmoor Junction - Oakmoor Wharf | NS023 |
OLC | Ollerton Colliery Branch Mid Notts | ||
OLD | yes | Oldbury Branch | GW753 |
OLL | yes | Ordsall Lane to Liverpool Line | NW623 NW624 |
OLM | yes | Oldham Branch | NW812 |
OLW | yes | Windsor Link | NW621 |
OME | Olive Mount to Edge Hill Line | NW608 NW603 NW633 |
OMI | Omoa Branch | CA174 | |
OMO | Silverburn Branch | CA175 | |
ONJ | Oxford North Junction | ||
OOC | Old Oak Common Yards | ||
OON | yes | Barnsley Coal Railway (Starfoot - Nostell) | GC290 |
OOS | yes | Old Oak Sidings, Willesden | NW100 |
OPM | Berryards Branch | CA456 | |
ORD | High Level Goods Loop | LY034 | |
ORG | yes | Oldham Road Goods Branch | LY032 |
ORI | Oldham Road St Georges Incline | LY033 | |
OSC | yes | Oakenshaw South Junction - Crofton East Junction | LY346 |
OSL | Oulton Broad South to Lowestoft South Line | GE273 GE274 |
OSN | Oakwell Junction to Stairfoot North Line | GC291 | |
OTB | Otley and Ilkley Joint Line | OI001 | |
OTL | yes | Otley - Bramhope | NE456 |
OVE | yes | Ogmore Vale Extension Line | PT030 |
OWW | yes | Oxford, Worcester & Wolverhampton Railway | GW GW690 GW710 GW720 GW780 |
OXC | yes | Stafford Road Junction - Bushbury Oxley Junction (Oxley Chord) | GW768 |
OXD | yes | Oxford Branch (Bletchley Bay Platform - Oxford North Junction) | NW130 |
OXO | yes | Oxcroft Open Cast Branch | MR788 |
OXW | yes | Windermere Branch | NW896 |
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Page last modified Thursday, 7th January, 2021, 15:09 hours.
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