The Signalling Record Society
About The Society

Our Purpose
The prime purpose of the Society is to maintain and share knowledge of Railway Signalling and Operation in the British Isles and Overseas.
How We Do This
Our members record the events of today so that knowledge will be available for the researchers of tomorrow. At the same time they research and record the events of yesterday so that historic information is available now and in the future.
Who Benefits From Being A Member?

First and foremost YOU, the person reading this.
Technical people working on the railway or for one of the manufacturers and suppliers of signalling equipment, including those working as volunteers in the heritage sector.
People working in signalling or railway operation activities, whether this be as a full time employee of a railway company or as a volunteer in the heritage railway or museum sector.
Researchers and authors seeking that elusive signalling fact they need to complete their masterpiece.
Modellers who want to ensure their layout is as realistic as possible, especially if working signalling is contemplated, and reflects correct operational practice. Where the model is of a real location, seeking factual detail to achieve accuracy.
Retired people who wish to keep in touch with what is going on or reminisce and share their experiences with others.
And enthusiasts. Indeed, anyone with an interest in signalling.
Why not come and join us?
What Benefits Do I Get As A Member?

We will send you all four copies of The Signalling Record issued each year. This is a glossy printed A4 illustrated magazine. It contains well researched articles about signalling and signalling people written by our members. Also within its pages you will find the Signalling Digest with a round up what is going on currently and in the near future in the signalling world. Each issue is accompanied by a copy of the separate SRS News which contains much current information. More information about our journals is available by clicking here.
If you join towards the end of the year, instead of sending you all the issues for the current calendar year we'll extend your membership to the end of the following calendar year.
You will receive a 'welcome pack' that includes your own personal copies of the various handbooks and guides we produce, including one that provides a key to the various symbols that will be found on signalling drawings.
You will have access to our network of Corresponding Members who are experts in their chosen area or subject. Members are encouraged to contact them for information and advice if they come up against the proverbial 'brick wall' in their researches. We also encourage passing newly discovered information to the relevant Corresponding Member for the future benefit of others. Corresonding members can also put you in touch with others who have a similar interest.
You will be able to attend Society meetings and Society organised visits where there is opportunity to 'network' with other members and you will often find someone 'in the know' who either has the answer you seek or can give sound advice on where to look next.
You will be eligible to join our exclusive Forum that allows our 700 or so members to post questions and receive answers from other members who may be able to assist. Application can be made to join once your membership is confirmed.
You will have access to our two archives. The principal one is the archive of paper records and books and has recently moved to new premises in Kenilworth. This may be accessed on our open days or by by prior arrangement with the Archivist. The second archive is digital and members may download many of the digital files for their own use. Catalogues for both archives are available on this web site and both archives continue to expand.
You will be able to attend our Annual General Meeting and have a say in how the Society is run.
You will be a member of the only UK based organisation specialising in railway signalling that is open equally to non-professionals and professionals alike; one that is recognised for its knowledge and expertise by both Network Rail and the National Railway Museum as well as by others.
What Else Does The Society Offer
The Society produces a range of publications, including various books of layout diagrams, and other work by individual members. To deal with specialised subjects in greater detail than is possible in “The Signalling Record”, the Society produces Signalling Papers. Subjects covered range from Tappet Interlocking to Tokenless Block. The Society also produces Research Notes, which are less formal and comprise information such as reprints of archive indexes. Fuller detail can be seen on the relevant publication pages of this web site.
Another valuable facility is the drawing office, which currently has a catalogue of over 4,000 items, available to members at reduced prices. The majority of these comprise our own range of signal box diagrams and lists and low resolution copies can be viewed and downloaded from this web site.
Whilst we are naturally pleased if members play an active part in Society affairs, there is no compulsion to do so. If you are interested in signalling, why not JOIN the SRS.
How to Join
Cheque books are not obligatory! We accept payment by BACS (preferred) or by PayPal.
Click on the link to JOIN the SRS to see our current membership subscription rates and then bring up the membership application form. Then complete the application on screen before sending it to us or printing out and sending with your payment to the Membership Secretary. The Membership Secretary's name and address appears on the form.
Logging-in To Download Members' Only Files
If you are already a member (and have registered membership of the Forum) and wish to download files reserved for 'Member's Only' you may log-in here. You do not need to log-in to look round the web site, only if you wish to download a reserved file!
Logging-in To Access Other Files
You will need to visit this page to find out what is available and what you need to do.
The Origins Of The Society
The Society was formed in 1969 to cater for those interested in recording and preserving information about railway signalling. At that time the subject was much neglected and little had been written about it in the popular press. Railway history books of the period gave little more than a passing mention to signalling or operating methods.
The steady increase in coverage since the Society was formed has clearly shown that there was a need for such an organisation. It could be said that the SRS was founded just in time, for a large number of mechanical signal boxes (and lines) had already been closed and much valuable documentation had been destroyed. The same is now happening to power signal boxes!
Over the years our membership has grown to around 700 who, between them, represent all aspects of the UK and UK derived railway scene. Our members live variously in the UK, Ireland, Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand and so on. We have associated societies in Australia.
In 2018 the Society metamorphised into a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, or CIO for short, registered with the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales; charity number 1176506.
As a charity, the Society is governed both by our constitution and by our rule book. Follow the links if you would like to read either of these.
Do you find this web site useful? If so, why not become a member of the Society
Page last modified Sunday, 19th February, 2023, 15:26 hours.
Entire site copyright © 2008–2025 The Signalling Record Society. All rights reserved.
A Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales.
Registered Charity Number 1176506.