The Signalling Record Society
Archive Boxes Listed
Each of the numbered archive boxes is listed below as are the contents of certain shelves in the archives.
There is a floor plan of the archive available and copies may also be seen at the archive itself. The letter / number combinations on the plan relate to the shelf numbers in the listings below.
You can Download the detailed Catalogue here.
Box | Shelf | Contents |
41-43 | F26 | Accident reports |
44 | A14 | Accident reports 1960-90 |
51 51B | G1 | Appendices: LMSR, Chester & Birkenhead, Severn & Wye, Shrewsbury & Hereford |
52 | G1 | Appendices: BR, London Midland Region, 1960-1968 |
53 | G2 | Appendices: BR, London Midland Region, 1969-1985 |
54 54A 54B |
G4 G2 |
Appendices, Loose Leaf, 1986 et seq. |
54C | C34 | Appendices, Loose Leaf, 1986 et seq. |
55 | G5 | Appendices: BR General |
55A | G5 | Appendices: LMSR, GWR, BR London Midland & Western Region men working over other lines |
55B | G5 | Appendices: LNER, SR, BR Eastern, North Eastern & Southern Region men working over other lines |
56 | G6 | Appendices: LBSCR, LSWR, SECR, Southern, BR Southern Region |
56A | G6 | Appendices: BR Scottish Region |
56B | G6 | Appendices: Somerset & Dorset |
57 | G6 | Appendices: BR Western Region Before 1960 |
58 | G3 | Appendices: BR Western Region 1960-1968 |
58A | G3 | Appendices: BR Western Region 1969-1982 |
59 | G3 | Appendices: LNER, BR Eastern Region, M&GN |
60 | G3 | Appendices: BR Eastern & Anglia Regions |
61 | G7 | Appendices: LNER, BR Eastern & North Eastern Regions |
62 | G7 | Appendices: BR loose-leaf plus various books of instructions |
63 | G7 | Block Regulations |
64 | G4 | Miscellaneous Instruction Books including Rule Books |
65 | Box numbers currently not in use. | |
66 66A |
G20 G8 |
Signal Box Opening Hours. |
67-70 | Box numbers currently not in use. | |
71 | G18 | Betts files - quite a variety |
72 | G18 | Miscellaneous Instructions ex Porchester Road |
73 73A |
G20 G21 |
Signalling Notices: Great Western Railway, British Railways Western Region, British Railways Inter City (Western Lines), Railtrack (Western), Network Rail (Western), Dart Valley Railway. See list for what is in which box. |
74 74A 74B 74C |
G20 G19 G19 G18 |
Signalling Notices: London & North Western Railway, London Midland & Scottish Railway, British Railways London Midland Region, British Railways Business Sectors, Railtrack Midland, North West Zones, Network Rail London North Western Zone. |
75 | G21 | LT Signalling Notices including some complete traffic circulars containing signalling changes. Also Metropolitan Railway. |
76 76A 76B 76C |
G22 G22 G19 G19 |
Signalling Notices: Great Eastern; Great Northern; London & North Eastern; British Railways Anglia, Eastern and North Eastern areas; Railtrack Anglia and Eastern areas; Network Rail Anglia and Eastern areas. See list for what is in which box. |
77 77B 77C 77D 77E 77F 77G 77H |
G23 G22 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 |
Signalling Notices: London & South Western Railway; London Brighton & South Coast Railway; London Chatham & Dover Railway; South Eastern Railway; South Eastern and Chatham & Dover Railways; South Eastern & Chatham Railway; Southern Railway; British Railways, Southern Region; British Railways Business Sectors; Railtrack and Network Rail, Southern lines; Bluebell Railway. See list for what is in which box. |
77A | G23 | Signalling Notices - SR & BR(S) rolled plans on linen - list for box 77 is annotated to indicate which ones are here as well |
77J | E1 | Southern Region Supplementary Operating Instructions |
77K | E1 | Southern Railway Signalling Notices. Digital copies are on Research Note 37. |
78 | G23 | Modern Rule Books |
79 | C31 | S&T installation and maintenance instructions |
80 | G21 | Electrified Lines Working Instructions |
81 | F26 | BR(LM) Supplementary Operating Instructions. |
82 82A |
G22 G22 |
Signalling Notices Scotland: British Railways, Railtrack, Network Rail. |
83 | F26 | BR(W) and BR(Sc) Supplementary Operating Instructions. |
84 | D26 | BR(E) and BR(NE) Supplementary Operating Instructions. |
90 | C29 | Parliamentary, Government, Board of Trade, Ministry of Transport and British Standards Institute. |
99 | F27 | Reg's Mystery Box of various operating publications pending sorting further. No catalogue detail available. |
100 | F27 | IRSE Green Books, almost a complete set. No catalogue detail available. |
101-104 105-108 109-112 113-116 |
F20 F21 F22 F23 |
Cullum Collection of signal box diagrams, office copies - SECR lines. |
125-128 129-132 |
F24 F13 |
Cullum Collection of signal box diagrams, office copies - LBSCR lines. |
150-153 154-157 158-159 160-161 162-164 |
F14 F15 F16 F17 F18 |
Cullum Collection of signal box diagrams, office copies - LSWR lines. |
164 | F18 | Cullum Collection of Marks sheets - LSWR lines. |
165 | F9 | Cullum Collection of Special Box Instructions - SECR lines. |
166 | F9 | Cullum Collection of Special Box Instructions - LBSCR lines. |
167 | F18 | Cullum Collection of Special Box Instructions - LSWR lines. |
188-190 191-193 |
D29 D8 |
Carr Collection - LSWR lines |
194 | F28 | Cullum Collection - Additional Items. |
195 | F8 | Cullum Collection - BR(S) Area Plans. |
196 197 |
F8 B2 |
Cullum Collection - SR Rules Section correspondence files. |
198 | F8 | Cullum Collection - miscellaneous |
199 | D39 | Cullum Collection - Signal Notices Indexes |
200 to 205 | Box numbers not in use. | |
206-207 | F9 | Wagstaff Bequest - folders |
208 | D44 | Cullum collection - miscellaneous |
209 | F12 | Hillier collection, Southern Region items |
210 210A 210B 210C |
D9 D12 D9 D1 |
SR / BR(S) Collections |
211 | C26 | Pryer Collection - SR diagrams etc |
212-213 | A11 C24 |
Kadwell Collection, Southern items |
214-215 | B22 C23 |
Elms Collection - SR diagrams |
216 217 218 |
C2 C3 ** |
Cullum collection - miscellaneous The material in these boxes is available on CD (Research Notes 37 and 38). For availability and prices please visit our Bookstall. |
219 | B43 | Talbot Collection - SR diagrams |
220 | C2 | BR(S) microfilmed diagrams The material in these boxes is available on CD (Research Note 41). For availability and price please visit our Bookstall. |
221 | F9 | Talbot Collection - SR Diagrams |
221X | F9 | Talbot Collection - Non SR Diagrams (stored inside box 221) |
222 | D29 | Southern Region items from Martin Elms, Bluebell Railway and M Pope. Three Eastern Region Items from Martin Elms. |
223 | C11 | J J Smith Collection, Southern Region Diagrams. |
224 | D24 | LBSCR Signal Box Index Cards. Not catalogued but copies available in the Wagstaff series of books. |
225 225A 225B |
C/D F13 C/D |
Southern Railway & Southern Region Rolled Diagrams. |
226 | B29 | Chris Woolstenholmes Collection Southern Region Signalmen's Instructions. |
227 | C/D | S & D J R rolled diagrams. |
228 | B16 | SR & BR(SR) Signalmen's Instructions. |
229 | D47 | Wimbledon Lever Label Registers. |
230 | F12 | Wimbledon Index Books. |
231 232 233 |
F12 F30 F12 |
David Barnes & Jon Samways Collections. Signal Box Diagrams and other material. |
234 235 |
F2 ** |
Cullum Collection. Extracts from weekly notices. No catalogue - the entire content is included in Research Note 39. |
301 302 303 304 |
A16 A16 A16 A17 |
Batts Collection - GWR lines |
305 | A8 | Various BR(W) diagrams |
306 307-308 |
A8 C11 |
Carr Collections - GWR lines transferred to BR(S). No catalogue detail available. |
309 | B38 | BR(W) Standard Drawings. No catalogue detail available. |
310 | D3 | GWR London Division Classification of SBs. No catalogue detail available. |
311 | ** | GWR & BR(W) Signal Dept Mechanical Drawings Index. No catalogue detail available. |
312 313 |
D14 B38 |
John Morris Collection - BR(W) Diagrams (paper copies of drawings available from the Drawing Office). |
314 315 |
B5 A15 |
John Morris Collection - BR(W) Miscellaneous Papers. |
316 | A19 | John Morris Collection - BR(W) Locking Charts. |
317 | Box number currently not in use. | |
318 | D47 | Correspondence Files - Swindon & Frome S&T. No catalogue detail available. |
319 | C13 | Cardani collection - London area. |
320 | C13 | Cardani collection - Reading/Gloucester areas. |
321 | C6 | Cardani collection - Bristol, Plymouth & Birmingham areas. |
322 | C6 | Cardani collection - South Wales area. |
323 | C7 | Cardani collection - Technical Instructions |
324 325 325A 325B 325C 325D |
D10 D3 D3 D2 D16 D9 |
GWR / BR(W) Collections |
326 | A18 | Maiden Collection - WR diagrams |
327 | B13 | Collins Collection - WR diagrams |
328 | C4 | Hallett Collection, Western items |
329 330 |
D17 C17 |
Alan Horner Collection, Western items |
331-331A | F19 | Alan Jarvis Collection, South Wales items |
332-333 | D31 | South Devon & Cornwall dog charts |
334 | F28 | Westbury area signalling plans |
335 335A 336 336A 337 337A 337B 337C |
C/D C/D F13 C/D F19 F19 C/D C/D |
GWR / BR(W) rolled diagrams |
338 | A15 | Alan Price Collection - GWR and BR-WR items. |
339 | C/D | BR (WR) rolled diagrams |
340 341 |
F1 B7 |
GWR & BR (WR) rolled diagrams |
342 | C/D | BR (WR) Panel Box diagrams |
343 344-346 347 |
B27 B34 B33 |
BR(W) Signalbox Diagrams |
348 | B1 | Westbury etc area signalling plans |
349 | C/D | GWR / BR(W) Collections |
350 | C45 | Chris Woolstenholmes Collection - British Railways Western Region items. |
351 | C45 | Dagger Collection - British Railways Western Region diagrams, drawings, and sketches. |
352 | A8 | British Railways Western Region Mechanical Drawings in range MB30-MB5984. |
353-355 | F19 | Reading S & T Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts, ex National Railway Museum. Bristol Division. |
356-357 | F19 | Reading S & T Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts, ex National Railway Museum. Vale of Neath lines. |
358 358A |
F19 B15 |
Reading S & T Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts, ex National Railway Museum. Port Talbot and Rhondda & Swansea Bay Railways. |
359-360 | F19 | Reading S & T Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts, ex National Railway Museum. Worcester Division. |
361 | F19 | Reading S & T Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts, ex National Railway Museum. North & West line. |
362 | F19 | Reading S & T Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts, ex National Railway Museum. Severn & Wye Lines. |
363-364 | F19 | Reading S & T Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts, ex National Railway Museum. Plymouth Division. |
365-366 | F19 | Reading S & T Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts, ex National Railway Museum. Exeter Division. |
367-369 | F25 | Reading S & T Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts, ex National Railway Museum. South Wales Main Line. |
370 | F19 | Reading S & T Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts, ex National Railway Museum. Gloucester District. |
372 | F25 | Reading S & T Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts, ex National Railway Museum. Llynvi & Ogmore section. |
374-375 375A-375B |
F25 B15 |
Reading S & T Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts, ex National Railway Museum. Swansea District. |
376-377 377A-377B |
F25 B16 |
Reading S & T Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts, ex National Railway Museum. Newport area. |
378-379 379A-379B |
F25 B38 |
Reading S & T Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts, ex National Railway Museum. Taff Vale Railway. |
380-381 381A-381B |
F25 B15 |
Reading S & T Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts, ex National Railway Museum. Other constituent companies. |
382 383 384 |
C37 C26 bay CD |
Great Western Railway and British Railways Western Region Signal Box Diagrams. |
386 | B2 | Great Western Railway London Division additional instructions. |
387-393 | Area G | John Morris Signal Box Records. |
394-398 | A8 & Drawer G11 |
Shrewsbury S & T Collection. |
399 | B13 | Shrewsbury S & T Collection. |
501-502 | C37 | Batts Collection - LMS & Joint lines |
503 504 505 |
B26 B28 C37 |
Booth Collection - LMS lines. Also includes Shrewsbury - Chester; Brymbo & Gatewen Branches; some North Eastern in Whitby & Scarborough areas; Newcastle - Carlisle, Wool, Wareham, Hamworthy; Woodhead line; Greenloaning - Wick; Barnhill - Aberdeen; Kyle line; Annan - Ayr; Girvan - Stranraer; West Highland; Oban line. |
506 507 508 |
C44 | John Swift Collection - LNW/LMS S&T Record Sketches |
509 | B9 | Cheshire - South Lancashire area drawings |
510 | B9 | LMS & BR(LM) Technical Papers - S&T Instructions, Guidance Notes, Principles. No catalogue detail available. |
511 | F10 | BR(LM) Power Box Guides - ex Birmingham S&T |
512-514 515-518 |
F10 F11 |
BR(LM) S&T Plans - ex Birmingham S&T |
519 | F11 | BR(LM) S&T Plans - GW lines - ex Birmingham S&T |
520 | D44 | Watts Collection - BR(LM) & BR(E) |
521 | C39 | Brenholz Collection - mostly technical but includes extracts from 3-5-5 magazine. No catalogue detail available. |
522 522A |
D38 A15 |
Swift notebooks (one catalogue, content now split over two boxes) |
523 | C12 | Cardani Collection - LMR south |
524 | C12 | Cardani Collection - LMR north |
525-526 526A 526B 526C 526D 526E 526F |
D11 D11 D12 D10 D6 D37 C37 |
LMS / BR(LM) Collections |
527 | C34 | Collins Collection - LMR diagrams |
528-530 531-533 534-536 537-539 540-542 543-545 546 |
B10 B11 B3 B4 B24 B31 B25 |
BR(LM) S&T Plans - ex Birmingham S&T |
547 | D39 | J J Smith Collection - BR (LM) diagrams |
548 | B22 | Mike Norris Collection - BR (LM) diagrams |
549 549A 549B 549C |
F13 C/D C/D F19 |
BR (LM) rolled diagrams |
550 | C1 | BR (LM) diagrams (South Midlands) |
551-556 557-562 563-568 569 |
A12 A13 A20 F27 |
BR(LM) S&T Correspondence Files. 551-569 |
570 571 |
C10 D10 |
Chris Woolstenholmes Collection. BR (LMR) Items |
572 | C46 | Alan Roberts Collection. Chester & North Wales Area Newsletters. No catalogue required |
573 | B23 | Cumbria Diagrams and supplementary instructions |
574 | C/D | Settle & Carlisle rolled diagrams |
575 | A9 | Crewe & North Wales rolled diagrams |
576 | A16 | BR(LM) S&T Plans - ex Birmingham S&T, also route diagrams |
577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 |
D40 C15 C5 C5 D13 F3 A16 F5 F27 |
BR(LM) S&T Plans - ex Manchester S&T |
586 587 |
B23 C/D |
BR(LM) rolled diagrams |
588 | A17 | Brian Whitehouse Collection: BR(LM) notebooks and diagrams. |
589 590 |
A17 C40 |
Geoff Goslin Collection, St Pancras to Leicester. |
591 592 |
C/D A11 |
Dunbar Collection, Great Central, London North Eastern and London Midland Diagrams, Manchester area and west of Pennines. |
593 | D37 | Graham Warburton Collection, Research Notes. |
594 595 596 597 598 599 |
F4 F4 F4 F3 B30 B30 |
LMS & BR(M) Signal Sighting Forms. |
600 | B29 | British Railways Midland Region Train Register Books. |
601 | D1 | Ian Thompson Collection. British Railways London Midland Region scheme plans, location plans &c. |
602-603 | F13 | Reading S & T Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts, ex National Railway Museum. Former LMSR lines |
604 | F7 | National Railway Museum Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts. Midland lines |
606 | F01 | National Railway Museum Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts. London & North Western lines |
608-610 611 612-613 |
F13 C43 F8 |
Trevor Moseley Collection of rolled diagrams. |
614 | B19 | Jack Cooper London & North Western collection. |
615 615A |
F6 F6 |
LMSR / BR(LM) Track Circuit records. |
616 | D26 | Peter Smith Collection of plans and correspondence from Skipton S&T. |
617 | F9 | Geoff Holmes Collection of Cumbrian diagrams. |
618-619 | C32 | Geoff Holmes Collection of Cumbrian train register books. |
620 | F7 | Leicester area diagrams. |
622-623 | E2 | Ross Clavell Collection: Mechanical interlocking. |
627A,628A | B/C | Robert Mills Collection Collection: Manchester area Scheme diagrams. |
629-634 | D/E | Robert Mills Collection Collection: Manchester area Scheme diagrams. |
635 | D/E | Train register books, LMSR area. |
636 | B/C | Robert Mills Collection, scheme diagrams. |
637 | D/E | Robert Mills Collection, other diagrams. |
638 | A/B | Sgrewsbury S&T Collection. |
701-706 | C30 | BR(E) Correspondence re closure of lines. |
707 | A10 | Signalling Plans - LTS lines. |
708 | B8 | Batts Collection - LNE lines. |
709-710 711-712 |
A10 D25 |
S&T Plans & Signalbox Diagrams - GN & GE lines. |
713 713A 714 714A 715 716-717 |
C10 C22 F5 B6 B5 B40 |
S&T Plans & Signalbox Diagrams - BR(E). |
718 | C19 | BR(E) Power Box Records. |
719 720 720A 720B 720C |
D5 D4 D5 D16 D16 |
LNE / BR(E) Collections. |
721 | A18 | Collins Collection - ER diagrams. |
722 723 |
B30 D18 |
East Anglia Signalmen's Instructions. |
724 | C/D | GE Lines (London area) diagrams |
725-726 | B32 | Alan Foulner collection - SB diagrams etc |
727 | B6 | Alan Foulner collection - NER track diagrams |
728 728A 728B |
C/D | LNER / BR-ER Rolled Diagrams |
729 | B27 | BR(E) S&T Plans - ex Birmingham S&T |
730 | F27 | John Talbot Collection - BR(E) S&T Plans |
731 732 733 734 735 736 |
B46 C16 A11 A18 B18 D17 |
Chris Woolstenholmes Collection - BR(E) Box Records, Circuit Diagrams & Scheme Plans |
737 | ** | John Boyes Collection - BR(E) Rolled Plans |
738 739 741 |
E4 B40 B28 |
BR(E) S&T Plans ex York S&T |
740 | B14 | BR(E) Surplus Capacity Files |
742 743 744 |
D40 D48 D23 |
East Anglia Signalling Diagrams - Roger Kingstone collection. |
745 | C/D | Doncaster Grammar School Collection: Rolled Diagrams. |
746 747 748 |
F5 D20 D19 |
Doncaster Grammar School Collection. |
749 | F26 | Colin Kaye Collection: BR(E) photographs and architectural drawings. |
750 | F01 | National Railway Museum Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts. Great Eastern lines |
751 752 |
F1 F1 |
National Railway Museum Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts. Great Central lines |
753 754 754A |
F1 F7 F7 |
National Railway Museum Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts. Great Northern lines |
755-756 | F01 | National Railway Museum Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts. North Eastern lines, Southern section. |
757-758 | F01 | Reading S & T Collection of Signal Box Diagrams and related charts, ex National Railway Museum. North Eastern lines, Northern section. |
760 | C16 | British Railways Eastern Region Train Register Books. |
761 761A |
D36 D36 |
David Underwood Collection. |
762 | C4 | Chris Wolstenholmes / John Boyes Collection. |
763-763A | F07 | Neil Mackay Collection. |
764 | D44 | John Foreman Collection of signal box diagrams, Eastern Region. |
901 | B33 | HSE level crossing files - LMR |
902-903 | B33 | HSE level crossing files - ER |
904 | B33 | HSE level crossing files - ER, WR, SR, NER |
905 906-910 |
B33 B12 |
HSE level crossing files - ScR |
911 | B12 | HSE level crossing files - ScR, light railways |
912 | B12 | HSE level crossing files - private railways |
913 | D4 | BR(Sc) / LT / Other Collections |
913A | D13 | BR(Sc) / LT / Other Collections |
914 915 |
E6 A10 |
Guest Collection - notebooks, all regions |
916 | C3 | Collins Collection - Scottish Region diagrams |
917 | E3 | R A Taaffe Collection. New South Wales & Ireland. |
918 | E7 | Dublin Main Line CTC Papers. |
919 | C7 | Rule Books, Appendices and Weekly / Signalling Notices from Australia. |
920 | D18 | Conference and Meetings Proceedings and technical correspondence. |
921 | C46 | Various Items from Dutch Railways. |
922 | C/D | Kent & East Sussex Railway Diagrams. |
923 | C/D | BR Scottish Region rolled diagrams. |
924 | B18 | London Underground Line Plans.. No catalogue detail available. |
925 926 926A |
C49 D35 ** |
Chris Woolstenholmes Collection - Train Register Books |
927 928 |
C38 D1 |
Darroll Pardoe collection - USA material |
929 | B35 | British Railways Standard Signalling Equipment Diagrams |
930 | B32 | Switzerland |
931 | E5 | Gwili Railway Museum Collection - Train Register Books (not relevant to Gwili area) |
932 | C9 | John Boyes & John Talbot Notebooks |
933 933A |
B19 A22 |
Matt Saunders' Photograph Albums - all areas. No catalogue detail available. |
934 to 951 | A1 to A7 also A/B |
Michael Back Collection: Sketches and signalling diagrams of most, if not all, signal boxes in England, Scotland and Wales. Arranged aphabetically. |
952 | D-E | Bruce Bennett Collection. |
954 | C4 | Tony Cornell Collection of files relating to level crossings, signals passed at danger, quality and techincal details of track circuits. |
955 | C3 | J P R Bennett Collection of Scottish Diagrams. |
956 & 957 | A16 | Bob Ballard Collection of Signal Box Equipment records. |
958 | Area G | Graham Maxtone Collection of Northern Scottish locking diagrams. |
959 | D12 | John Tilly Collection, Dissertation “Level Crossings on Rural Railways” and supporting papers. |
1001 1002-1003 |
A18 A19 |
Westinghouse catalogues & brochures |
1004 | A19 | MV-GRS, AEI-GRS & GEC-GRS catalogues & brochures |
1005 | A19 | SGE catalogues & brochures |
1006 | A19 | STC catalogues & brochures |
1007-1008 | ** | IRSE documentation |
1009-1010 1011 |
A21 A14 | Contractors' publicity material - overseas |
1012 1013 |
A14 A23 |
Contractors' publicity material, catalogues and technical documents |
1014-1015 | A21 | Westinghouse Catalogues |
1016 | A17 | Contractors Publications |
Drawer | G9 | John Batts Collection. Circuit diagrams. |
Drawer | G10 | John Batts Collection. Westbury panel diagrams. |
Drawer | G15 | BR(LM) Mechanical Drawings |
Drawer | G28 | Graham Warburton Collection. LNWR, LYR, Caledonian signal drawings |
Drawer | G29 | Graham Warburton Collection. LMSR signal drawings |
Drawer | G30 | Graham Warburton Collection. Midland signal drawings. |
Drawer | G31 | .Graham Warburton Collection. LMSR & consituents signal drawings. |
Drawer | G32 | Circuit Diagrams, Salop Goods Junction dated 23 August 1985, reference CW2201. |
Drawer | G33 | Great Western Bristol Division Marks Sheets. |
Shelf | B44 | John Talbot Photograph Albums |
Shelf | D34 D41 D26 D32 |
Graham Warburton Collection Photograph Albums |
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Entire site copyright © 2008–2025 The Signalling Record Society. All rights reserved.
A Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales.
Registered Charity Number 1176506.