The Signalling Record Society
Handling of Complaints
We'd love to think we're perfect ............. but sometimes we aren't. After all, we are humans, not robots.
Whenever a complaint is made about the Society itself or the conduct or actions of any member of the Society it will be handled in accord with these procedures.
Complaints will be sent or passed to the Secretary who will record the detail of the complaint in a register and send an acknowledgement to the Complainant within three (3) business days of receipt. In the absence of the Secretary this task will be performed by either the Chair or another nominated trustee and the record passed to the Secretary on their return.
If a complaint cannot be resolved within 28 days an interim response will be given after 28 days. If still not resolved after a further 28 days a further interim response will be made and the matter referred to the next available meeting of the trustees for determination.
A full response will be sent to the Complainant once the investigation has been completed.
Complaints against the Society
Details of complaints against the Society will be circulated to all trustees for information.
The Chair, Secretary and two other trustees will comprise an Investigatory Panel and confer to determine how the complaint will be investigated and will, if circumstances warrant, seek external expert advice.
Complaints involving the Chair or Secretary
If the complaint is against the Chair or Secretary personally, or is against both of them, the committee will appoint one (or two if appropriate) of their number to act in their stead. Due regard will be paid to avoid any conflicts of interest or loyalty in consequence of making the appointment(s). The complaint will then be dealt with in the same way as a complaint against any Member.
If the complaint is made by the Chair or Secretary personally, or by both of them, the committee will appoint one (or two if appropriate) of their number to act in their stead. Due regard will be paid to avoid any conflicts of interest or loyalty in consequence of making the appointment(s). The complaint will then be dealt with in the same way as a complaint against any Member.
Complaints against any Member
The Chair, Secretary (or the substitutes) and two other trustees will comprise an Investigatory Panel and confer to determine how the complaint will be investigated and will, if circumstances warrant, seek external expert advice. Due regard will be paid to avoid any conflicts of interest or loyalty in consequence of making the appointments.
The member (the Complainee) about whom the complaint is made will be sent a copy of the complaint and be invited to respond within seven (7) business days.
The Panel may, at its discretion, invite the Complainant and/or Complainee to appear in person before them.
Witness evidence may be called by either the Panel, the Complainant or the Complainee in order to establish facts.
Investigatory Panel Decisions
The Investigatory Panel, on completion of the investigation, may
- Uphold the complaint and recommend action(s) to rectify the complaint, or
- Reject the complaint on grounds that it is not reasonable, not well founded, malicious or not proven.
In each case the decision will be conveyed to the Complainant and the Complainee in writing within three (3) business days of the decision being taken.
Any appeal must be made within 10 business days of the date on the letter conveying the Panel’s decision.
In the event of an appeal against the Investigatory Panel decision an Appeal Panel consisting of three trustees who did not serve on the Investigatory Panel and can act without conflict of interest, will review the decision taking into account any fresh evidence received.
The Appeal Panel may support or reverse the decision of the Investigatory Panel.
The decision of the Appeal Panel will be final.
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Page last modified Thursday, 29th February, 2024, 11:54 hours.
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A Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales.
Registered Charity Number 1176506.