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Our Members' Journals

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Every quarter our members are sent through the post the most tangible evidence of their membership - our two super journals. Every member is entitled to each and every issue of these journals that are published during their period of membership. Membership periods are defined at the start of our web page about joining the Society.

What members say ..

The Signalling Record

The Signalling Record is a glossy A4 size magazine of at least 36 pages of which around half will include colour photographs and diagrams. Publication coincides with the four seasons of the year - Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. First published in January 1987, it has been sent to our members regularly ever since.

Each issue features articles about signalling written by our knowledgable members for our members. These articles contain information gleaned from the author's years of research and often draw content from the Society's own archives as well as those of others.

There are regular features in each issue as well: The Signalling Digest, a round-up of changes and developments in signalling; Letters to the Editor either seeking information or clarifying some point about a previously published article; and a Query Corner where members are invited to solve a puzzle for another member.

A list of contents commencing with issue 1 is available. Why not download a copy and peruse the breadth and depth of the range of subjects covered. Whetted your appetite? Yes - then you can download some sample pages from recent issues of The Signalling Record and see for yourself the value and quality our members get.

If you like what you see and wan't more, why not Join us as a member.

SRS News

SRS News, also A4 in size, contains at least 24 pages of Society news. Published to accompany each issue of The Signalling Record it, too, follows the same seasonal pattern.

SRS News is devoted to bringing our members news about signalling with several regular features present in most issues.

and more besides.


The Society makes an award for an article published in The Signalling Record judged to be the best one published during the year "on the history, development and current practice for railway signalling systems". The first award was made in 1999 in respect of the articles published during 1998. You can read more about these awards - and see who won them - by visiting the awards page.


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Page last modified Thursday, 23rd December, 2021, 18:17 hours.
Entire site copyright © 2008–2025 The Signalling Record Society. All rights reserved.
A Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales.
Registered Charity Number 1176506.