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(some) Items in Print

From 1996 to 2014 The Society included a section in each Signalling Record entitled "InPrint". This comprised a note of articles and pictures with signalling relevance that have appeared in a number of magazines. This practice continues and a larger, expanded, version appears on this web site gradually building into a more comprehensive listing. The facility was revived SRS News in 2020 under the title “Press Digest”.

Current issues of some of the magazine titles are available in shops and specific issues may otherwise be obtained by contacting the relevant magazine to see if a back issue is still available. If the publisher has run out of stock, or ceased to exist, then recourse will need to be made to second hand bookshops, back issue specialists, or auction sites such as eBay®. Other titles are those issued to members of the Society concerned and circulation is usually restricted to members of that Society.

Bear in mind that the signals and signal boxes mentioned may well be incidental to the picture rather than the subject of it. However, this often serves to place the signalling infrastructure in the wider context of the location. Some of the references will be to interesting or notable signals rather than the signal box.

Whilst every effort is made to ensure accuracy in the listings, the Society cannot accept any liability whatsoever for the consequences of any errors.

Please let us have details of anything relevant that we haven't already indexed so we can add it to the listings. Click here to let us know. Today's News is Tomorrow's History!!

Location & Subject Indexes

Click on the appropriate initial letter button below to go to the location index files or on 'Subjects' for descriptive articles.

Please note that the town appears first, then the station name if there is more than one; thus London Victoria appears under L, Manchester Victoria under M, and Nottingham Victoria under N. London Terminal stations are listed as 'London ...' but for London Underground stations the word 'London' is omitted thus Victoria LUL appears under V as Victoria (LUL).

Thanks are due to Michael Back, Geoff Brown, Peter Butler, Chris Cock, Tony Cornell, Edward Dorricott, John Hillmer, John Lacy, John McCrickard, Chris Osment, Darroll Pardoe, Mike Walshaw, Bryan Wilson, and Chris Woolstenholmes for their various contributions to these lists.


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Page last modified Wednesday, 3rd March, 2021, 23:31 hours.
Entire site copyright © 2008–2025 The Signalling Record Society. All rights reserved.
A Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales.
Registered Charity Number 1176506.