The Signalling Record Society
Membership Renewal

Thank you ... and Welcome!
Thank you for choosing to renew your membership of the Society.
Renewal by Standing Order (UK Bank Account & UK resident)
We prefer that Members with on-line access to their UK sterling bank account set up a standing order so that payment will be made automatically. We ask for payments to reach us by the 1st of December each year so that we have time to process the payment and ensure there is no break in your membership.
If you have not already set up such an arrangement, the details you need to set up the standing order are:
Payee: | The Signalling Record Society |
Account Number: | 01339088 |
Sort Code: | 30-94-70 |
Amount: | £30.00 |
Reference: | SUB followed by your membership number (e.g. 9999 Smith) |
Payment date: | 1st December annually |
No on-line access to your bank account? Print this page and take it (or send the details with a covering letter) to your bank branch where the bank staff will be able to set this up for you. Please send the Membership Secretary an email so he knows to expect payment this way. Contact details on back page of SRS News.
Gift Aid It! If you are a UK tax paper and have not yet signed a gift aid declaration please consider visiting the Declaration Page and making a declaration now. Doing so will considerably increase the value of your subscription to us at no additional cost to yourself.
Renewal by Standing Order (International Banking)
We can accept payment internationally if you do not have a UK bank account. We ask for payments to reach us by the 1st of December each year so that we have time to process the payment and ensure there is no break in your membership.
If you have not already set up such an arrangement, the details you need to set up the standing order are:
Payee: | The Signalling Record Society |
International Bank Account Number (IBAN): | GB66 LOYD 3094 7001 3390 88 |
Amount: | £40.00 if you live in Europe; £45 if you live elsewhere. |
Reference: | SUB followed by your membership number (e.g. 9999 Smith) |
Payment date: | 1st December annually |
No on-line access to your bank account? Print this page and take it (or send the details with a covering letter) to your bank branch where the bank staff will be able to set this up for you. Please send the Membership Secretary an email so he knows to expect payment this way. Contact details on back page of SRS News.
Renewal by Individual BACS Payment (UK Bank Account & UK resident)
If you have missed the standing order date or do not wish to set up a standing order arrangement you can still renew your subscription on line.
The details you need to make the payment are:
Payee: | The Signalling Record Society |
Account Number: | 01339088 |
Sort Code: | 30-94-70 |
Amount: | £30.00 |
Reference: | SUB followed by your membership number (e.g. 9999 Smith) |
Payment date: | Now! |
Gift Aid It! If you are a UK tax paper and have not yet signed a gift aid declaration please consider visiting the Declaration Page and making a declaration now. Doing so will considerably increase the value of your subscription to us at no additional cost to yourself.
Renewal by Individual BACS Payment (International Banking)
If you have missed the standing order date or do not wish to set up a standing order arrangement you can still renew your subscription on line.
The details you need to make the payment are:
Payee: | Signalling Record Society |
International Bank Account Number (IBAN): | GB66 LOYD 3094 7001 3390 88 |
Amount: | £40.00 if you live in Europe; £45 if you live elsewhere. |
Reference: | SUB followed by your membership number (e.g. 9999 Smith) |
Payment date: | Now! |
Renewal by Cheque Through the Post
Either using the renewal form you were sent with the Autumn or Winter issue of The Signalling Record - it's with your address on the envelope your copy of The Signalling Record came in - or, if you can't find this, a covering letter, send your cheque (drawn on a UK bank account) for £30.00 payable to “The Signalling Record Society” (please do not abbreviate it in any way) to:
Steve Sharpe SRS Membership Secretary 40 Ellis Peters Drive Aqueduct Telford Shropshire TF3 1AW |
Please make sure you have included your membership number, name and address or we may not be able to match up the payment with our records!
Gift Aid It! If you are a UK tax paper and have not yet signed a gift aid declaration please consider visiting the Declaration Page and making a declaration now. Doing so will considerably increase the value of your subscription to us at no additional cost to yourself.
Renewal by PayPal
We also accept renewal payments via PayPal. A PayPal account is quickest but not essential as PayPal can handle credit and debit cards as well. The renewal rates are £30.00 if you are UK resident or £40.00 if you live in Europe or £45 if you live elsewhere in the world. Please send your membership number to the Membership Secretary now using this link! This will open an email in your email client for you to use. Make sure you type in your number before sending it !!
Gift Aid It! If you are a UK tax paper and have not yet signed a gift aid declaration please consider visiting the Gift Aid Declaration Page and making a declaration now. Doing so will considerably increase the value of your subscription to us at no additional cost to yourself.
What Happens Next?
If you renew by PayPal details will automatically be sent to the Membership Secretary but please make sure you have emailed your membership number using the link above. Please note - we do not issue membership cards. If you are paying by Bank Transfer an email to the Membership Secretary (contact details on the back page of SRS News) will be appreciated and ensure we can match your payment to your membership record correctly.
New issues of The Signalling Record normally come direct from our printers. If you have renewed part way through the year the back issues will be sent as soon as possible after the renewal administration is completed. Depending on where we are in the production cycle when you renew, the current issue might also come as a back number.
Thank you again for renewing.
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Page last modified Monday, 8th July, 2024, 17:41 hours.
Entire site copyright © 2008–2025 The Signalling Record Society. All rights reserved.
A Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales.
Registered Charity Number 1176506.