The Signalling Record Society
Welcome to our Sales Gateway

The Society publishes a range of books, smaller publications and drawings covering a wide range of aspects of signalling. Whilst much of the range is available in printed form the onward march of technology means that an increasing amount is now available in electronic form.
In arriving here you will probably have realised that we reorganised the ordering processes for our varied fayre into a single on-line shopping cart system with facilities to pay on-line. No reason now to hold back if your banking arrangements don't include a cheque book facility.
On-Line Ordering
The on-line ordering facility, known as “The Bookstall” is an easy to follow shopping cart system of the type found on many web sites. Most of our books, smaller publications, and some electronic media can be purchased this way. The shopping cart automatically calculates shipping charges and you can see what they are before committing yourself to a purchase. If you have put more than one item in your shopping basket, the calculation takes this into account even when the item is downloadable and doesn't need to be physically shipped.
Our prices are quoted in GBP - pounds sterling - and that is the amount that you will need to pay. We offer a choice of payment methods which you can select at the check out:
- By bank transfer direct to our bank account details of which will pop up at the appropriate moment. This is the method we prefer but do be aware that sending international payments this way can be expensive for you.
- By PayPal which enables you to pay by credit or debit card. You don't have to have a PayPal account to use this facility. PayPal is especially useful for international payments as it will convert our price into your local currency for you.
The on-line system does use some cookies to work properly so please ensure you have set your browser to accept them.
Please note that, to ensure eligibility for member discounts, member's accounts will be checked against the current membership database before they become 'approved' and orders can be placed. It may be a few days before 'approval' is given, especially at holiday times. This check will be repeated periodically.
Ready to go shopping? Click here to go to the On-line Bookstall.
Drawing Office
The Society's collection of signalling drawings continues to expand and be available. Follow this link for more details and how to order your choice of drawings.
If you want to know what locations are currently included in our drawings collection, just follow the links in the menus at the top of the page to the area that interests you.
Location Indexes
Before you rush headlong into ordering you might want to take a look at one or more of the index and update files. Checking through will enable you to be sure which volume you want .... but bear in mind these can include locations and volumes not available from our Bookstall. Follow the links in the menus at the top of the page to the index that interests you.
If you want to know what locations are currently included in our drawings collection, just follow the links in the menus at the top of the page to the collection that interests you.
Signal Box Register Addenda & Corrigenda Leaflets
Update leaflets have been produced to some publications and may be downloaded free of charge by using the links in the menus at the top of the page.
Data Privacy Notices
Follow this link to read our Privacy Notices.
Follow this link to read our Copyright Notice.
Terms and Conditions of Sale
In common with all responsible societies and businesses that offer items for sale we have a set of terms and conditions that apply to you when items are purchased from us.
These terms and conditions may be accessed from any page in the on-line Bookstall - the link is on every page in the page footer. You can also view the terms and conditions by following this link.
Do you find this web site useful? If so, why not become a member of the Society
Page last modified Monday, 14th December, 2020, 11:15 hours.
Entire site copyright © 2008–2025 The Signalling Record Society. All rights reserved.
A Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales.
Registered Charity Number 1176506.