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Visits Involving Lineside Access

These condtions apply to all visits involving lineside access, regardless of whether hosted by Network Rail, London Underground, Metro, Tramway or by one of the Heritage Railways.

The operational railway is a potentially dangerous environment. Whilst every reasonable care will be taken during the visit to ensure your safety, you must understand that the Society does not carry any insurance and your participation is undertaken at your own risk. This is in accordance with Society Rules.

It is a mandatory requirement that you provide yourself with a clean hi-visibility waistcoat or coat meeting the specifications of GO/RT3279 Class 2.

In layman's terms this means:

  1. The garment covers the whole torso
  2. It is orange
  3. It has reflective strips
PLEASE NOTE - Older-style mini-vests which only come half-way down towards the waist only meet class 1 of the specification and are not acceptable on Society visits. Additionally red, yellow or green garments (you will be a walking handsignal and will possibly cause a SPAD) ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. This condition is imposed on everyone coming onto the lineside. Please do not attend without suitable clothing; you will be unable to participate in the visit as the Visit Co-ordinator will have undertaken with the host company that the party will be compliant.

If you do not already have suitable hi-vis clothing this can be easily and cheaply obtained from workwear shops and on-line. Do ensure that you obtain rail-industry compliant garments, as detailed above. The Visit Co-ordinator may have some spare waistcoats available - if you wish to borrow one of these on the day you must make arrangements before the date of the visit to check one is available and reserve it for your use. They will not be brought along unless requested.

Do give some consideration to your choice of clothing on the day. Garments which consist of large amounts of red, yellow or green are not acceptable when on the operational railway, either lineside or near a signalbox, as they are 'signalling colours' and can cause confusion to train drivers, signallers and others. Any disruption to the railway caused by the wearing of such garments will cause embarrassment to the Society's reputation and could result in the hosting company refusing such visits in the future.

When the visit involves trackside access you should ensure you wear stout shoes or boots suitable for walking on rough ground such as track ballast.

The hosting company Manager will give a safety brief at the commencement of the visit. Please ensure you listen carefully to the brief and comply in full with any and all instructions given during the brief.

During the visit you must:
  1. Follow the instructions of the hosting company guide and those of the SRS organiser at all times,
  2. Switch any mobile phones to silent (or vibrate only) whilst on the signal box operational floor,
  3. Not answer or make any calls whilst on the signal box operating floor,
  4. Refrain from conversation whilst the Signaller takes telephone, radio or GSMR calls.
Photography is normally permitted unless you are advised otherwise but you must comply with any restrictions advised to you on the day. In order to avoid the hosting companies imposing bans on photography you are requested to be mindful that operational signalboxes are security-critical locations and if you make photographs available for public viewing following your visit you should not display those which feature:
  1. Identifiable images of railway staff, unless you have their specific permission,
  2. Telephone numbers on paperwork or equipment,
  3. Operational notices, instructions, memoranda, passwords, etc.,
  4. Anything which could cause public embarrassment to the staff or company.
Participation in the visit will be taken as acceptance of these conditions. Members who do not follow the requirements detailed above will not be considered for future visits as, if they are refused participation by the hosting company, their place could have been taken by another member.


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Page last modified Friday, 30th October, 2020, 12:41 hours.
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A Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales.
Registered Charity Number 1176506.