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Meetings in London   😀

Schedule for Saturday 19th October 2024:

10.00 Meeting Room opens for general chit chat.

Tables will be available for members to bring items for display, or sell so please bring something to fill these empty tables.

It is likely that some Society items will also be on sale.

11.00 Our first speaker is Steve Gwinnett, “Kings Cross to Hitchin Part 3, followed by questions and answers.

12.30 Break for Lunch.

13.30 Our second speaker is Russell Maiden, “London Transport Signalling-A Miscellany of Images of LT’s Conventional Signalling to the Latest Developments Part 2., followed by questions and answers.

14.30 Break for tea / coffee.

14.55 Our third speaker is Steve Loeber, “My Working Days on the Tottenham & Hampstead Line and, possibly, the Tilbury Line as well, followed by questions and answers.

A hat will be passed around the room during the meeting for donations to cover the cost of renting the room.

16.00 Meeting Ends.

16.30 Meeting Room closes. Safe journey home.

Our London Venue

Our venue in London is Keen House, 4 Calshot Street, London, N1 9DA, the home of the Model Railway Club, and within easy walking distance of St.Pancras and Kings Cross stations. On arrival, ring the door bell to the right of the door and wait to be admitted. Light refreshments will be available in the meeting room.

Venue, Keen House

Please check back here for updates.


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Registered Charity Number 1176506.