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Visits to Network Rail Locations   😀

Visit to the York to Harrogate Branch line

Schedule for Tuesday 6th August 2024

Assemble at York station by 11:00, then by train to Poppleton. The tour will then continue by train to reach other rail served locations. If some members attending bring cars then it may be possible to additionally visit locations not located at a currently open station as well.

You need to pre-register your wish to join this tour as this will enable the organiser to co-ordinate the transport arrangements.

Please contact Peter Adds using this email link in good time if you wish to attend as the number of places is limited.

Visit Conditions

Visits to operational railway premises are subject to your agreeing to observe the conditions for such visits. Follow this link to read these conditions. By applying to join the tour you are deemed to have accepted and agreed to these conditions.

Lineside Access

Visits to signal boxes involve lineside access. Follow this link to the lineside access requirements. Non-compliance with the requirements will mean you cannot join the tour.

Please check back here for updates.


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Page last modified Thursday, 20th June, 2024, 10:52 hours.
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Registered Charity Number 1176506.